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Neat Freak among Slobs

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  • Neat Freak among Slobs

    This is so me. Anyone else? How do you manage to keep sane?

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

  • #2
    3/4 kids are messy...young. My oldest is crazy organized and into decorating but that didn't happen until 11-12. It leaves me hope for the others. The house is usually in stages of disaster. It totally bothers DH and I, but we've waved the white flag. We try to keep our room an organized sanctuary, but our kids prefer to hang out in our room so it's hit or miss. Makes us slightly more crazy, especially DH. I seize every family event and outing as a reason to clean their rooms/house. Once I know they want to do something they have to clean their rooms first. No fights, speedy cleaning. It's worth the cost of TCBY 😜


    • #3
      Neat Freak among Slobs

      I'm a controlling neat freak. If the house isn't picked up/neat and clean, I feel like I'm living in complete chaos. Dh is the biggest slob ever. Worse than the three kids combined. He spreads out and cannot find things bc of it. He gets legit pissed at me when I go on a cleaning bender. His idea of tidy and clean is way, way off from mine. His old office nurse said his office looked like a barn, shit everywhere. When he's away for his week of work this house is spotless.
      The kids go in phases. Ds almost 14 is disgusting. Dd almost 13 is a hoarder and when all my Tupperware comes up missing it's bc it's in her bedroom. Dd almost 12 makes her room look clean but it's all under her bed. But she's the only kid who will pick up after herself downstairs or help me clean up the house.
      I also have a child named, not me. Who's the worst of them all.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Last edited by rainbabies; 02-08-2017, 08:31 AM.
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        I could've wrote that article, all the way down to the sister with the pristine home. For the sake of my marriage and mental health, I've pretty much given up on the idea of having a clean house all the time. DH is a complete slob and comes from a family of them. I "trained" him somewhat in our early days and admittedly he's not as bad as he used to be, but still firmly in the slob territory. DD15 is also a slob and I just tend to avoid her room as much as possible. DD12 loves to organize and keeps her room nice and clean all the time. She even uses air fresher to ensure it always smells nice. However, she is notorious for scattering her stuff in my room and other common areas of the house. I have come to accept that my house will never be clean if someone drops by unexpectedly. I only let it get to a certain point and then the family knows that my tolerance level has been reached and no one is having any fun until the house gets back in shape. This tends to happen about once every six weeks and so the cycle continues.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters

