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gross puppy thing and a ???

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  • gross puppy thing and a ???

    Our pup has THE grossest issue....he has anal gland stinkies. Everytime he is rough housing with our other dog (which is all the time) he releases the most gawd awful smell. My poor Bailey(older dog) got hit by it last night. It was too late to bathe him, so in desperation dh put my mousse on him. Last night as Im trying to sleep....I have this beautiful grapefruit/mango smell lingering with POOP! ::

    My older cat (10yrs old) also has anal issues. When ever she is ticked off...poof! goes the butt! lovely my house is gonna smell when the dog is excited and the cat is pissed. :!

    On to my question....does anyone have an underground fence...or know anyone who does. My older dog does not go anywhere and comes NO MATTER what the circumstances are...ALWAYS. But, the puppy....he comes 97% of the time. He is getting better....but I cant completely trust him. He does not take off. He just goes in our neighbors yard. Something we want to avoid at all costs. They have a "good housekeeping" yard. You know, perfect...manicured. I respect that...if they wanted a dog, they would have one, right? Im so paranoid that someone will poop on their lawn. I want them (the puppy) to know their bounderies...but I dont always have the time to stand outside with him. I want them to have freedom.....just not too much, kwim?

    So, any advice would be great! Thanks.

    p.s. the people who lived here before put in the underground you think that just getting the collar would work...also, I think part of the fence is under the driveway (paved) will that keep it from working?
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    We did the DIY underground fence for my parents. It zapped the dog for sure, but my parents never trained him, so he learned to just run through it. He had escape issues though.
    Mom to three wild women.


    • #3
      I do not have one, wish we did. But yes, if they fence is still there all you should need is the collar. But you'll need to know the brand of the fence. I would also see if you can pay THEM to train your dog. That way you are not associated with the zap that the dog will feel. With Invisible Fence training comes with a paid system, since you already have the fence maybe you can pay for the collar and the training.

      They must be trained, just putting the collar on doesn't help.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #4
        The underground fence works great but here's something to consider. It will not stop other dogs from coming onto your property. That's all fine and dandy if the dog isn't aggressive, but I'd personally be worried. That and there's also that one chance that the dog will run through it while chasing something
        IM PGY-2


        • #5
          Eyew, Miss Sam only had anal gland problems once, and I only had to be present at expressions in the vet clinic a handful of other times, but that SMELL just embeds itself into your head! Augh!

          Good luck with the stinky pup. I've heard that some dogs will have problems during puberty and then never old is he now?


          • #6
            I think this is a question for Michele!


            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

