washing dishes / cleaning up the kitchen. it is CONSTANT.
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What Chore
Originally posted by jesherwashing dishes / cleaning up the kitchen. it is CONSTANT.Enabler of DW and 5 kids
Let's go Mets!
Cleaning the kitchen, indeed! And the bathroom sink - I despise a dirty sink!!! I keep lysol wipes under the bathroom sink and wipe it down nice and shiny at least 4-5 times per week. (Yeah, I know, OCD.)
My new aparment (I move August 1) doesn't have a dishwasher!
Laundry is daily but dishes are at least 3X daily! Picking up is also constant around here. When my kids are occupied and having fun they are usually creating a disaster area somewhere.Of course, they are old enough to clean it up themselves so *nagging* would have to be my all time constant chore.
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
Putting the freaking pillows and ottomans back where they belong. We have 4 cube ottomans and a ton of throw pillows on our couch and dh and the kids are always jacking with them. It drives me crazy. Next up is laundry. The kids sometimes ask me when I will be done with laundry and I tell them "never"--apparently I will be doing laundry for the rest of my life.Awake is the new sleep!
Definitely laundry here, especially with the amount of company we have been having lately.My two oldest boys are old enough to load/empty the dishwasher
so that has ceased being such a task for me.
I COULD clean the boys' bathrooms every day if I chose to, but instead I settle for hanging up towels, closing drawers, putting lids back on things, etc., all the while avoiding looking in the direction of the toilet and the floor that surrounds it.DH is teaching them how to clean their bathrooms, so I hope to totally hand off that job next.
SallyWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
Definitely laundry. It seems that it has to be done every weekend, which ends up being a half day affair. Plus our bldg recently got new machines which are actually worse than the old ones used to be.
After helping with the dishes a few times, DH quickly learned to eat off of paper plates. When we have company I buy prettier ones. We still use real glasses and silverware though.