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  • #16
    NY has some across the street from one another -- so you don't have to deal w/crossing to get your coffee.

    The drive-thrus are starting to open in the mid-west .... slowly. there was only 1 in Cleveland before I left, and since I've moved here 2 have opened and 1 is under construction. There are a lot of them in Targets and grocery stores here (and those employees aren't allowed to accept tips ... so think of the $ you save!).

    Be prepared for the 3 headed-looks Flynn. When we arrived in KS my friend ordered a quad and had to repeat herself 3 times (and that's not even tricky!).


    • #17
      I always order a Triple grande two pump vanilla non-fat latte and 50% of the time I get a venti. WTH? Silly Southerners drink too much tea.


      • #18
        NJ is catching on the "let's try to fit as many Starbucks as we can into one square mile" trend. There's a small strip mall near my parents in Edgewater that has a Starbucks in B&N on one end, in Target on the other end and it's own store smack in the middle. This is all within one parking lot.

        Luckily my company bought two Starbucks machines, so now all I have to do is walk to the kitchen down the floor. :>

