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Bissel SpotBot

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  • Bissel SpotBot

    I know Tara has mentioned hers before, and I mentioned mine -- but I just have to give the little thing a shout out right now. My dog puked this morning (on the carpeting ... 2/3 of the 1st floor is hard wood, but he always pukes on the carpet. I don't handle puke well. I looked at it from 20 feet away and gagged enough that I ended up puking myself i said i don't handle puke!.

    Anyway, I threw some paper towel on it, okay - a lot of paper towel, picked up the liquid :: and then set down the Spot Bot to do it's work.

    Stain gone! Totally worth the $.

  • #2
    When my dog pukes (usually on the wood floor) I leave it there because she usually goes back and eats it. I hate cleaning it up and this way I just have to wipe over it with a paper towel and some Murphy's.


    • #3
      LOL, my dog comes running when she hears the tell-tale hacking of a cat about to . She's going to be really handy when it comes to baby spitup!

      I have a Bissell Little Green Machine and I like it quite a bit for puppy piddles and the remainder of the cat spots.


      • #4
        My only complaint with the spot bot is the cost of the cleaning fluids. We go through a lot -- a LOT. Between the dog, the boys and dh .... I've got some serious spots. One little bottle of the oxy stuff you're supposed to use is $5.99, and the other bottle (you have to buy both) is $3.99.

        Tara - have you found something else to use in there?

