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Ode to:

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  • Ode to:

    Let's recap the Things I Love thread, huh?

    today's Ode is to the infamous Magic Eraser. Got all of the crayon off of the rental white walls. (I did buy Target Brand because anything I can do to support Target vs. Wally world, I will)


  • #2
    Same here!

    I took some marker off the wood floor two days ago. Washable marker isn't as washable if you leave it for...a week. I also used to clean off a baking dish. Love the magic eraser!


    • #3
      I love my neighborhood. Even though I live in suburbia and there are SO many things I hate about suburbia, I have a really great group of neighbors.

      We went to a Halloween party last night at a neighbors house, and then today we had a Halloween block party that I coordinated. Only about 10 kids participated, but we all hung out for about 2 1/2 hours enjoying the kids and the AMAZING weather (about 74 degrees today).

      It's a nice place.


      • #4
        1. I love the Clorox bleach pen. Love love LOVE it. Now I MUST try the Magic Eraser!
        2. I love my church. I was in a serious funk when I arrived this morning, but left whistling a happy tune.


        • #5
          1. I heart Sam's Club. There is a special kind of satisfaction that comes from knowing you won't have to buy tampons for a year.

          2. Netflix! Really, it is like magic to me. Probably because I have such a short term memory, it is honestly a surprise each time I find a new movie in the mailbox.


          • #6
            LOVE my new Roomba. Nothing like doing all the vaccuuming in the house -- while surfing the web. It's made a huge difference in the house. Even the kids like to use it. They're sad when Mr. Roomba is out of charge.

            I love my dog. He's a handful, but he's single paw-ed-ly gotten me back in to shape by demanding hour long daily walks. He thinks I'm ready to jog. He's such an optomistic trainer.

            I love Target. I have to put my fingers in my ears and sing "Lalala" when ever I think of the sweat shops that are allowing me to complete decorating my home for under $100 a visit. It's wrong....but at least it isn't Walmart. I'll have to wean myself slowly.
            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


            • #7
              Originally posted by goofy
              LOVE my new Roomba.
              I've heard great things about the Roomba, especially for hardwood floors. Knowing roughly where you are ... I assume most of your house is hardwood?

              I considered the Roomba when I bought the Dyson *insert angel choir here* but chose the latter due to the carpeting and the dog hair.

              On the Target / Wal-Mart thing: I've often wondered how Target can provide such a superior shopping experience AND offer nicer things while still at v. reasonable prices but avoiding the bad employer rep. Anyone have some insight?


              • #8
                Knowing roughly where you are ... I assume most of your house is hardwood?
                Yep. We have three area rugs in the whole I couldn't justify the Dyson. I do have blisters from sweeping up the cat/dog hair in here though. The Roomba runs at night on the downstairs floors and recharges itself before morning on its dock. I run it upstairs in the morning and hit the attic or playroom in the afternoon. We are pretty much dust free! Of course, the thing nearly died when it ventured under my son's bed. I don't think I've ever cleaned under there!!

                Love it. I hope it lasts.
                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • #9
                  I love my SO. He's working his butt off and he's so worried about his upcoming Anatomy test. All the while, he still patiently listens to my stories of the weekend and asks how my friends are doing. He's so great.

                  I LOVE MY CAR - 'nuff said.

                  I love my best friend. It was really good to see her and catch up this weekend.

                  Oh yes, and I also love Coca-Cola. Yum.


                  • #10
                    Things I love, let me count the ways:

                    1) I love, love, love the Nuvaring birthcontrol. It is my personal goal to get more people to try this. Once a month, I put in this really low dose little plastic thing, and then I never have to have a moment of terror wondering whether I took my pill the night before. If the Depo Provera or the implants have side effects, you are pretty much stuck with those side effects for awhile. Unlike condoms, there is no mess. Unlike the IUD, there is no chance of a perforated uterus.

                    So listen to me: Run as fast as you can to your ObGyn and demand a Nuvaring. Do it and thank me later.

                    2) Brio water canal system. My kids play with this thing for HOURS. We got it when DS was two and he still plays with it (going on 7).

                    3) Mr. Clean sponge.

                    4) internet grocery delivery.


                    6) My library card and my Barnes and Noble membership

                    7) Saucony Grid Trigons and Triumph. (go up 1/2 half size from street shoes). Wright ultralight running socks.

                    8) turkey pepporoni. (The only meat my picky kids will eat).

                    That's all for now, but I'll be back!

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      I love the first snow of the season.

                      I love waking up and realizing no one needs my immediate attention.

                      I love puppy breath.

                      I love cleaning the house when DH has the dudes. It's something about.. 1) cleaning in the first place, but also 2) paying for preschool so I can do it.

                      I love the idea of the roomba. You will be mine!


                      Oh, and I love chocolate during my special time.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb
                        Things I love, let me count the ways:

                        1) I love, love, love the Nuvaring birthcontrol. It is my personal goal to get more people to try this. Once a month, I put in this really low dose little plastic thing, and then I never have to have a moment of terror wondering whether I took my pill the night before. If the Depo Provera or the implants have side effects, you are pretty much stuck with those side effects for awhile. Unlike condoms, there is no mess. Unlike the IUD, there is no chance of a perforated uterus.

                        So listen to me: Run as fast as you can to your ObGyn and demand a Nuvaring. Do it and thank me later.
                        Tried it and really didn't like it. Really, really didn't like it. I guess we'll have to start a debate thread on it.


                        • #13
                          I like the Nuvaring, but I am going to get a Mirena IUD next. Even the Nuvaring seems too hard for me to remember.
                          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                          • #14
                            Had the Mirena and LOVED IT!


                            • #15
                              I have a Mirena and absolutely love, love, love it!

                              I love my dh who volunteered to take ds to Kindermusik today so I could have some me time.

                              I love this time of year...the weather is perfect!

