is the one room in the house where i cannot take the clutter! it drives me batty to have the counters covered in crap! everytime i clean them off, dh comes in with his crap and spews it everywhere.
*palm pilot
*millions of pens
*various little pieces of paper
*notebook (litttle)
*notebook (large)
*cell phone
*tie clip
WTH, how hard is it to put it somewhere else???
of course the kids have to bring toys in the kitchen too. everynight, i gather them and dump them back in the bedroom.
so, what room bothers you with clutter?
*palm pilot
*millions of pens
*various little pieces of paper
*notebook (litttle)
*notebook (large)
*cell phone
*tie clip
WTH, how hard is it to put it somewhere else???
of course the kids have to bring toys in the kitchen too. everynight, i gather them and dump them back in the bedroom.
so, what room bothers you with clutter?