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what goes into an emergency kit?

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  • #16
    Everyone has great suggestions. When i was young, I thought my dad was crazy because of all the things he packed but now it makes sense. He would have blankets, food (like a lot of food), water and boxed juices, extra clothes in case it got chilly (even on summer day trips), those big visors for keeping the car cool and the flames that you see around car accidents. This doesn't include his tool kit, tire repair kit, knife and machete (he was from Virginia) . Anyway, I always felt safe. I wont even get into the cleaning supplies he packed for when we stopped at public rest rooms!
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


    • #17
      I almost Vishenka mentioned I was in NYC for the blackout in 03 and candles batteries are a must!!! Have a radio that you can use batteries or one of the LLBean wind up ones for the house...they were really useful.
      Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


      • #18
        You can get water purifying kits at the camping stores. We were told to pack some with us while we were in Russia, just in case.



        • #19
          It gives me chills that I was thinking about my emergency kit last week and now my parents are sitting in darkness with a downed tree in the livingroom of their neighbors' house.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #20
            After last night I bought a new flashlight today and batteries and bulbs for the others.

            I'm feeling really lucky. Our friends two streets over are still without power, their house is down to 50 degrees, and they aren't "on the list" for getting power restored. That is, it's been reported but the power company doesn't know when they will be there.


            • #21
              Agree with Jane: don't forget to stash some cash. We keep some in a fireproof safe (not in the car, obviously).

