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Selling on etsy

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  • Selling on etsy

    I've been toying with the idea for a while of making and selling chocolates on etsy. Has anyone sold on etsy before? I'm kinda wondering if there are any laws about selling can I use my home kitchen? I'll have to look into that further.

    I'll have to put a lot more work in making aesthetically pleasing chocolate. A plain truffle ball or shards of toffee won't cut it. (ahem, those of you have received what I've made know what I mean, lol)

    Is it a stupid idea? (ETA: yes, it probably is given that I have four young children, go to school, and still have to unpack, paint and decorate this stinkin' house...)

  • #2
    I don't know about etsy but I think the kitchen rule is state by state. My MIL can't sale from her home kitchen in KS but I can in MN.

    I don't think its silly at all, if you have a good recipe and its something you enjoy doing then go for it!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      I'll buy your stuff, etsy or no etsy.


      • #4
        I don't think it is stupid at all. Are there other food items sold on there? Oh no, another possible Etsy addiction! You could also look into renting commercial kitchen space -- that is what a lot of the farmer's market vendors do.


        • #5
          Thanks for the input. I researched it some last night and trying to read NY's official websites gave me an honest-to-God headache. Nellie, I was reading some legal forums where they proposed exactly what you did. I think it's a great idea, except what a flippin' pita. Also read another suggestion that I could label it as "made in an uncertified kitchen" or something to that effect. I would likely go that route if allowable. I can't see shlepping all my crap to an ELKs club for one order of truffles. Especially when I have this brand new fabulous kitchen. (btw, I am chomping at the bit to make toffee on the induction top!!)

          I guess my point for this venture is to see if it's something I could potentially make into a career. (would I enjoy doing it? will people like it or think it's kinda meh?) I've got a lot of experimenting to do!!

          To answer the etsy question - yep, they sell LOTS of candy on there. I lurve that website.


          • #6
            Did not need to know that! (About candy on etsy)

            I like the "made in a non-certified kitchen" label. If that will fly, I think it is the way to go. The commercial kitchen rental can be a pita, especially if you have to take odd hours to get a spot. Once you got going on it, you could have and keep up an inventory rather than making it to order and list what you have on hand. I want to know how toffee goes on the induction cooktop. Firsthand knowledge would be best.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cupcake View Post
              Firsthand knowledge would be best.
              Hah, you know your name is all over that inaugural batch. I still owe Jenn and Angie, too!

              Don't look at the pictures on etsy <drool>

