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Breastfeeding and weight loss

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  • Breastfeeding and weight loss

    Hey all.

    i have been breastfeeding my gorgeous dd sine she was born 4 months ago and its been grand with losing weight - 16 kg and counting.

    well actually 14kg. for hte past few days, iv not been making much milk and even though iv been trying to increase my calorie intake iv only succeeded in putting on weight, milk supply still teetering near low.

    should i just stop - i know its vain but iv put on 2 kg in a week, i hate seeing that.

  • #2
    Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

    I found that calorie intake wasn't a direct correlation with milk production. Is your daughter nursing less? If she has started sleeping through the night, that could result in the decreased production.

    Fenugreek can help supplement supply, but the best way is to have her nurse as much as possible.


    • #3
      Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

      If I drink more water, my milk supply goes up...but it doesn't seem affected by my calorie intake at all. It also goes up when he nurses more frequently, and if I wear him in a front carry during the day.

      I have taken Fenugreek before too and it went up with that as well.

      Are you sure your supply is low? Or does it seem like she wants more? She may be going through a growth spurt and is nursing differently to try to bring your supply up naturally.

      Try drinking more water, letting her nurse frequently and wearing her in a sling or wrap on your chest. You can also do kangaroo care (letting her lay on your bare chest while she's only in a diaper) for good skin to skin contact...that can help too.
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

        I think that you've done awesome. In my experience, BF does help with weight loss....over an entire year period. I understand that this is not everyone's experience, however.

        And of course, we all want that baby weight gone before we come home from the hospital. Best of luck and enjoy the special time.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

          hi thank you so much for the advice. i didnt know that water could make milk supply go up it sounds terrific cant wait to try that! you know whati was doing? after 4 months of not eating white bread i started having it again because i felt it would give me milk very quickly in time for baby's next feed - but instead it would take ages and then only leave me with half full umm supply lol.

          il try fenugreek. i started drinking fennel tea but i was eating tonnes of other stuff as well. my husband really wants me to breastfeed baby till shes a year old but i want to lose weight quickly too.

          my low milk supply might be due to the fact that baby drinks more in one go, i hadnt thought of that. before, id eat a certain amount of food and that would be enough to give baby milk for the whole day. now i have to eat more food because after just one or two feedings im finished and trying to get that amount right has made me put on a few pounds.

          someobdy else mentioned i should start her on food now too - though my books say i should start her at 6 months. would that reduce theamount of milk shed need from me?


          • #6
            Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

            Rest seemed to help my milk production... just my experience.

            Our ped said to wait until six months to start my twins on solids. Usually he tells people to start at four months, though. We delayed because we have so many food allergies in our family. I did feed rice baby cereal to my son between 4 and 6 months, though, because he was hungry all the time.

            About the weight loss, I don't know. Nursing twins made me lose weight pretty quickly (within 4 months), and I don't think that's normal.


            • #7
              Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

              Mine didn't take solids til about a year old. Any solids you feed them will be less breastmilk they drink.

              The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastmilk exclusively until at least 6 months....then breastmilk primarily until at least a year. The World Health Organization recommends breastmilk primarily until at least 2 years.

              I noticed my weight-loss from breastfeeding tapering off around 9 months.

              If you are really struggling with losing the weight, look into Weight Watchers....they have a point system for nursing moms....try to make sure you don't sacrifice good nutrition for fewer calories (soo easy for me to do when dieting).

              I also agree that rest will help with milk supply.
              Mom of 3, Veterinarian


              • #8
                Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

                All I'll add is that white bread will help with absolutely nothing. It's got nothing positive going for it. I'd also never heard of caloric intake increasing milk production, but did experience the same that others mentioned w/water and fenugreek.

                Breastfeeding worked well for me for losing baby weight and then some ... hoping for the same kind of success this go-round. The only time my metabolism works properly is when I'm pregnant, which is the opposite of most people. I've only gained about 5 lbs so far w/this baby (21 weeks), and actually had lost a pound at my last appt. I'm overweight to start with, so I tend to gain less, and no one freaks about losing weight.


                • #9
                  Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

                  thanks so much for the advice.

                  great simple tips that made me realise where i was gonig wrong. during my pregnancy i put on 10 kg which disappeared completely within two weeks of baby being born. but even before getting pregnant i was losing weight so i have been trying during the nursing time to get back into the old pattern. i feel this is my last chance to lose wieght because i dont think i can lose it easily if i get pregnant again - which hopefully wont be happening for a couple of years!

                  usually i keep to 1400 calories a day. even during pregnancy i tried to stay within 2000 and i heard that during breastfeeding you are meant to increase your caloric intake than even during pregnancy. thats why my mind sudenly went to that last week when i wasnt able to satisfy her and found my boobs werent as full with milk as they used to be.

                  i had ambivalent feelings about breastfeeding to begin with becuase i had heard that real weight loss and dieting couldnt begin until after you stopped breastfeeding. since igot married i had lost in total 23 kgs BEFORE pregnancy so i wanted ot keep on losing another 15 after baby was born.
                  the pain of breastfeeding was excruciating in the first three WEEKS and i only stuck at it so that my mother in law wouldnt say about me that i didnt breastfeed my baby! then i got into it and found that i was still able to lose wight albeit not at the speed i was expecting. so perhaps this week my quick deduction thati should just stop with breastfeeding was to do with my own self and wanting to return to extreme dieting and exercise.

                  so many things made sense. over h te past couple of weeks i have been doing alot of intensive exercise which was the opposite of the 'resting' one is meant to do to help with breastfeeding supply. i was also hardly drinknig any water or fluids for that matter. instead of drinking more i started eating more and stuff that wasnt healthy. i equated high calories with more milk.

                  so since i started this topic i have more milk because:

                  i have started drinking fenugreek preparation with milk (a neighbour made me a kind of puding when i mentioned it to her that in her country is added to milk to be drunk by nursing mums!),
                  drinking ALOT more water,
                  fennel tea,
                  resting more,
                  holding baby close and feeding her more often,

                  i am also no longer neurotically checking my weight as i used to -id step on the scale 6 to 7 times a day. im going to try andd stick to these rules and then see if those 2kg will come off by themselves!

                  thank you so much


                  • #10
                    Re: Breastfeeding and weight loss

                    Good. Keep drinking lots of water, getting plenty of rest, spending more time with your babe and nursing....don't restrict your calories too much (make sure you have enough for you and your babe)...make sure they are quality calories and you shouldn't have to worry about the weight. It'll come off in time. A healthy mom and babe are the most important right now. If you're doing all that, sounds like you are on the right track!
                    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

