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How you lost the weight.

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  • #16
    I know this won't for many people but quitting my job, so that I had more time and energy to cook and have a more active lifestyle made a huge difference. Sitting on my butt 12+ hours a day and stress eating wasn't doing my body any good. While I hate exercise, simply getting out to run errands or going to yoga once a week ended up being enough. Keeping the house junkfood/snack free also helped.


    • #17
      Just want to join in the huddle and offer my enthusiastic support. Seriously, envision your workout like you are an olympic athlete coming into the stadium. I'm hooting and hollering for you. I think a lot of the motivational battle must be conquered by playing head games.

      I'm like MI Girl. I'm a couch potato who controls things by faking it as a runner. Even if I've run one 5 K in the last three months, I call myself a runner. It makes me feel like I am one. I have to head trip mysel into believing that I'm on my way. Fake it until you make it, baby.

      <thwack> That's the sound of me patting your backside before making primordial gruff noise as a gesture of support.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #18
        I lost 15 pounds by just counting calories using the free website LIVESTRONG.COM. I eat anything I want, I just eat in moderation (eg- i only eat half of a chipotle burrito, or if I eat the entire thing I eat a salad for dinner) I made going to the gym a priority.

        In order to make sure i worked out, i went to classes-they're given throughout the day so I was able to fit at least one into my schedule.

        Also, on the days that I had to work out really late after the classes were given, I'd watch my fav one hour tv show while running/walking on the treadmill. Run during the commercials, walk FAST during the tv show. It was my "lazy" work out.

        A great thing to do is find a workout buddy. They are the best! You can talk to people online with or you can find a buddy to go with you. I just ran a half-marathon and I seriously wonder if i could have done that without my friends or DB's help.

        It's a lot of work and it took awhile, but I have been at my new-ish weight for over a year now and I love it!


        • #19
          Originally posted by zorph View Post
          Also, on the days that I had to work out really late after the classes were given, I'd watch my fav one hour tv show while running/walking on the treadmill. Run during the commercials, walk FAST during the tv show. It was my "lazy" work out.
          I love this idea.


          • #20
            Pardon in advance to the men on our site-

            Well, I have certainly found a motivator for my runs at the gym. Two words:

            Border Patrol.

            Holy Hotness, Batman... These guys are ridiculous. I mean, OK the downtown gym gets the traveling 'stars' and the Broadway Across America performers, etc. but THIS? I'm telling you, visions of beauty better than the gym at the Army base.

            all in their matching workout uniforms running a bajillion miles an hour in unison on the treadmills with their little crewcuts with all the door opening politeness that hot guys in uniform bring. (you all know that I have a serious THING for uniforms, right?)

            I was verklempt.

            and yes, I AM old enough to be their mother. I am apparently a Dirty Old Woman.

            but, heck yeah, I ran a LOT faster tonight.



            • #21
              Oh man, they were there again!

              You are so right about portions. When we go out to eat, my husband and I usually each order a salad and split whatever entree we order. I don't eat dessert as a rule, I'd rather have another glass of wine!

              It's a never ending battle. I also LOVE yoga and try to do it at least once a week.



              • #22
                Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                I've lost 46 lbs since last April (started at 190, a tight 14, down to 144, size 8).
                Nice job! Great techniques too!!
                Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                • #23
                  Oh Jenn, I remember in HS and college I work out extra hard when cute guys were working out. Great motivation!

