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  • #16
    I mainly do it for the t-shirts and the fact that I can put "triathlons" down when someone asks for interest/hobby.

    Crappy t-shirt=I'm not in it.
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • #17
      Yeah I def think I'm in for the Tees and the trinkets lol oh and the free snacks at the end


      • #18
        Originally posted by Pebbles View Post
        Alison: no but now I want to go look it up on amazon ! I have to say, swimming is such a great way to get in shape and tone the body. It's great with no pressure on the joints, and you are constantly working your whole body. Plus I'm sure your "mamakini" is hot! Which marathon did you do? Thats a great accomplishment, I still have yet to man up and train for one.
        Once I get up enough speed to be working aerobically, I start to panic about being able to breathe (pesky little near-miss incident off the coast of Hawaii has me a bit paranoid). So it doesn't feel like a great workout to me. But I do remember enjoying some pool time at the end of my first pregnancy, it was about the best way I had to get at least a little cardio when I was huge at the end of a Phoenix summer.

        I trained for the Phoenix Rock n Roll marathon, but after a foot injury and regular knee injuries and a stomach bug, I didn't feel ready and downgraded to the half on race day. It was a good choice, I finished feeling pretty strong but I really had to push it for the last mile or so.


        • #19
          I raced bikes in 2005, but then I got hit by a car and never fully came back.
          Did I know you when this happened? Have I blocked this out? This freaks me out on your behalf. (Not to give you issues about your issues. )

          As far as accident safety goes, I quit running to tunes once I became a mama. My life is bigger than me now, kwim?

          Yeah I def think I'm in for the Tees and the trinkets lol oh and the free snacks at the end
          I'm in it for the feeling of being a rockstar for just a small moment in time. I get a high when people line the streets calling out my name. (I tape my name to my shirt.) I give all the kids high fives and accept offers of beer and candy from random strangers.

          I could jump in with my Mom-style full-coverage swimsuit and splash my way through the distance.
          I'm all about not imposing the three baby body on anyone else. I wear full rash guard and a hat plus oversized sunglasses. Think:Edward Cullen in the desert. Yeah, I'm Hawt baby.
          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #20
            I'm jealous of all of you. I would love to run a race someday and then do a sprint tri but I think it will have to wait a few years.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #21
              You could always try the Couch-to-5K plan. It is really quick and works well. I could barely run a mile when I started it 2.5 years ago, but now I can run 3-4, not easily, but without stopping. Being able to run a 5k opened up a lot of exercise doors for me!
              Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


              • #22
                My problem is finding time to train. I can train at the gym with the kids in childcare but that means a treadmill which I don't really like. They have a track, I just need to give up the excuses and try it. DH is a long distance runner, used to be a great cross country runner, he would be thoroughly impressed if I ran a 5k.
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #23
                  The running community in the Twin Cities is AMAZING. Seriously, you have so many resources available so close by. Doesn't even Rochester have a Spring marathon? Anyway, I totally and completely hear you on the training with kids dilemna, but dang, you have got some serious help available if you should decide to jump in.
                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #24
                    Yes Rochester has the Med City Marathon which I think is in April or May. I just need to jump in, I'm such a weenie

                    ETA: And I just need to buy the Couch to 5K app for my itouch and go!
                    Last edited by SuzySunshine; 07-29-2010, 07:18 PM.
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by houseelf View Post
                      Did I know you when this happened? Have I blocked this out? This freaks me out on your behalf. (Not to give you issues about your issues. )
                      LOL. I was here, as were you. Not sure how much I posted about it, it was traumatic on a lot of levels. But it wasn't serious; the gal was going about 10 miles per hour when she U-turned into me (she'd pulled all the way right and wasn't signalling, so I thought she had parked and I passed her on the left just as she started trying to pull left and flip a b&tch). Chances are the broken hand that I suffered was the result of smacking her driver-side window to get her attention rather than from being flung across a lane of traffic: fortunately for me, no one was coming down that lane at the time.

                      I've always loved that you love the attention during a marathon, it has inspired me to cheer as loudly as I can during races of all sorts to help let people know I'm rooting for them!

                      Cheri, as long as your kid(s) will tolerate it, try it with a jogging stroller?


                      • #26
                        I would love to start training for a mini-tri, the only exercise I get these days is walking the mooses around the park and I am also up at 5am shooing, I mean helping my NSG intern out the door so I've got plenty of time in my day! I love to swim and can tolerate running, sorta, but the bike thing is a problem, I like biking but I don't currently own a bike. We joined the YMCA and I can swim there and we live in a place that is definitely runner friendly but it's not like we are rolling in the dough enough over here to purchase an expensive new bike for me! Any suggestions as to a good affordable beginner bike for these types of things? Operative word being affordable...


                        • #27
                          This is what I $400 affordable? It's the cheapest I found for a roadbike. It has held up well, and when I had it shipped to Oklahoma, it was tax free...

                          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                          • #28
                            That bike looks sweet! And $400 is doable. Thanks for the link!


                            • #29
                              PS--Make sure you get the right size. I would go to a bike store to see what length fits you best. I didn't, and while it isn't horribly uncomfortable, DH had to make some annoying adjustments.
                              Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                              • #30
                                Well I am finally back to training again after being sick for the past 1.5 weeks. I did get a new saddle this weekend and I am still not sure if it's a keeper. I got a Bontrager 150mm Woman's Inform. Sadly the guy at HTO didn't really know much about saddles, and I was in a rush. I just knew I couldn't go another ride without a better seat. I was having bad perineal pain, and numbness down both of my legs. I couldn't go 10mins without wanting to get out of saddle. Goes to show you the right saddle can really make or break the ride. So I rode on it today. It's def better than my old saddle, but not sure if it's a keeper. I figured I would ride on it this week and see how it felt after a week or so. If not, I'll return it. Just would like to have something comfortable before my race. I hate having new equipment before anything. It's always better to try it out before you take it out for competition. Anyone have any saddle suggestions?

                                Just like shoes. Before I race I would never run in new shoes: they need to be broken in. Unfortunately I still haven't been able to find a store that has wetsuits. HTO used to have a bunch, but nil now. I have never bought one before, so I have no idea of my size: so don't want to buy it online. Just don't want to be buying right before the race and feel awkward the whole time in it. Anyone have any suggestions of a good wetsuit, full arms and legs: can be 4-5mm preferred.

