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Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

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  • #16
    I don't know whether BFing helped becaused I have not tried to loose pg weight without BFing. I gained around 20lbs in my first pg and lost it all and a little more within 9 months with a combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding. However, I still wasn't fitting into my pre-pg clothes. K1 was 9 mos when I got pg with K2. Since I had trouble maintaining weight during my 1st pg, my OB told me to ween K1. We stopped nursing when K1 was 11.5 months. I gained more than 20 with K2 but I don't know how much; I just stopped looking at the scale after 20 and figured my OB would let me know it something was wrong. K2 was much larger and I carried him longer so I was pretty big at the end. K2 is 3.5 months now. We are nursing with supplemental formula very rarely. I am eating like a bear and I have about 3-5 extra lbs to loose, depending on the day but I still have a lot of loose skin around my middle.
    Last edited by MrsK; 09-26-2011, 05:28 PM.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • #17
      No first hand experience but I just wanted to add that even if you do drop weight after the child, it took a year for your body to stretch and change that much, so its going to take TIME (not just calorie cutting and exercise) to return closer to your original shape. And even then some women completely change body shapes after the birth of a child.
      Loving wife of neurosurgeon


      • #18
        Interesting! Thanks for sharing! Goodness, I'm hoping I get some help from it, but I realize I'm going to have to change how I'm eating/working out for anything to happen. I'm trying to start now (not cutting calories, but working out more and getting rid of some of the junk. I've been lazy lately)
        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


        • #19
          Just remember that everybody is different!
          I'm just trying to make it out alive!


          • #20
            I weigh about 15 lbs less than I did before I got pregnant with the twins-- but my body now is much much much more an apple shape. I think only surgery can repair the damage from the kids lol! And I'm not opposed to a tummy tuck. So for me it's not all weight-- but dimensions are so much different post kids. And boobs post nursing... Not so sexy.

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Selu View Post
              It's been crazy. I gained about 30 lbs. during pregnancy and lost it all within a month. I'm now really struggling to keep weight on. I'm at least 5 lbs below healthy, about 10 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight, and have to eat all the time. I'm always starving. I don't exercise, other than walking to work and carrying around my 22 lb sack of chub baby. The milkshakes I eat go directly to his thighs. It's a win-win. I'm kind of scared that when he weans I'm not going to remember how to eat reasonably.
              Ha ha this was me first time round, complete with the 22 Ib 8-9 month old! This time DD is only 17 Ib. The extra 5 is on my belly! And there is another 5Ib on my hips that I attribute to age and a slowing metabolism!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Lamorna View Post
                Ha ha this was me first time round, complete with the 22 Ib 8-9 month old! This time DD is only 17 Ib. The extra 5 is on my belly! And there is another 5Ib on my hips that I attribute to age and a slowing metabolism!
                I've heard lots of people say the weight loss was very different the second+ time around. Interesting that it varies so much not only person to person but pregnancy to pregnancy.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Lamorna View Post
                  And there is another 5Ib on my hips that I attribute to age and a slowing metabolism!
                  This! Never in my life have I had so much trouble budging 5-10 pounds...but never in my life have I been over 30 and trying to lose weight, LOL.

