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Hot yoga?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sheherezade View Post
    My husband and I go to slow flow together on Saturdays. It's not hot (just warm) and it isn't particularly "cardio" because the flow is slow. (Duh!) But, man, the teacher in there will work towards some fun poses! Lat week we did the backbend/headstand transition in which you start in a traditional yoga headstand and then slide your feet down to your butt arching your back and then step in to a backbend with your head still on the ground. I was totally pumped that I could do it. This week, we were doing the "reverse plank" stuff - and lots of binds - and my shoulder is just never ever going there. I think I'm going to have to realize that I can't do everything. Bummer.

    We have Yoga Fusion classes here but I don't think they do barre type things. Extremely popular and they sometimes have 60 people crammed in to the studio. I haven't tried that but I might soon. We also have aerial yoga with the fabric trapeze.....but I haven't been brave enough to do that yet. It's not supposed to be hard. I'm just not graceful and how can an ungraceful type do that??

    I've been trying to get my daughter in to yoga; she needs more exercise. Do you think it is wrong for me to "force" her in to a class? Seems anti-yoga. Still, I think she'd like the atmosphere compared to other exercise options. I also wonder if the heat is OK for a teen. Silly probably, she's 13 and already physically women-ish in so many ways. I'd imagine she can tolerate physically what an adult can tolerate. Thoughts?
    I've seen pictures of the fabric trapeze stuff on the pilates website. It looks adventurous, but we all need dashes of that in our lives, right? I'd imagine you work into a pose and hold it just like yoga so I wouldn't grace would factor in...? You should give it a twirl and give us a full imsn report. You studio sounds awesome. The saturday class is doing some challeging poses! I would flop over on the headstand to backbend. LOL. We did the binding poses on Friday. I did modifcations or passed on most of them, but I tried the bird of paradise at home with the kids laughing. My shoulder was the greatest point of stress though. Oy! I need a much stronger core to engage my leg and greater flexibility to do those without popping my shoulder out of location. It's nice to have goals though, right? I told my DH that you're was going to yoga. I really think he's benefit from it. Flexibility is the first thing to go and cause injuries.

    Our warm studio has a kids class that starts at 11 yo. I think it would be safe if they're taking on the liability at that age. I do think it's more of an adult activity in that it's slow and requires a lot of mental focus. The things that I get out of it...slowing down your thoughts, focusing on breathing, etc., I just wouldn't have enjoyed that much as a kid. Maybe the pick up the pace for the kids class? You could bribe her with a girls day out where each of you get to pick one activity for the day. Tell her it's a way to increase her flexibility for pointe.
    Last edited by Ladybug; 02-25-2012, 03:08 PM.


    • #32
      Still lovining these so much. The barre classes are glute-kickers. They're my fave, but definitely different then the standard yoga classes. I heart the heat.

