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Help me get started

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  • Help me get started

    I need a that is spoken out loud. I need some help coming up with it.

    Usually, summer is a time of activity and walking for me. I usually lose 15-20 pounds during the summer. This summer, I didn't manage that. In fact, I did almost no walking and gained 20 pounds.

    Besides the fact that I feel bad about myself because I'm so overweight (and the fact that Zoe argued two days ago with her friend that I had the biggest butt she'd ever seen and they both laughed about it) is the problem that everything hurts. I have trouble standing up and walking because of my lower back/hips/knees ... it's ridiculous. I know that the problem will get better if I lose weight/exercise because weight loss/exercise have helped in the past. Right now though, my discomfort is standing in my way.

    Help me come up with a plan for the next two weeks to get moving slowly ... and kind of build myself up. I don't have access to a gym. I'm thinking about walking as the easiest way to get out.

    I don't know...I just need a plan.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Is there an app similar to couch to 5k for walking,
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • #3
      Just make it a commitment to walk for 5 minutes every day. I believe in you.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        Can you walk with Thomas or Amanda? Having someone to talk to makes it go by more quickly. Get a good playlist or audiobook. It's a pleasant time of year to get out walking.


        • #5
          Do you have any podcasts you like to listen to? I walk and listen to those.


          • #6
            Most libraries have downloadable audiobooks (listening to one now). I second walking while listening to audiobooks/podcasts. There are also pedometer apps for phones to help you see how much you're walking/should walk...I have a wrist band version, but it makes me much more conscious of it when I can see my progress...


            • #7
              Walking is great, and I definitely recommend fitting it in as much as you can - maybe even walking around campus before sitting down to study? (Which will be a good reason to study at school rather than at home!)

              I never had much luck with exercise alone, though. I need a strict eating plan to make a difference on the scale. Before having kids, I had good luck with Weight Watchers (online only), and over the summer DH and I have been doing South Beach. I like SB much better. I was much hungrier at this weight on WW. Mediterranean diet also sounds really good to me, but it's not as kid-friendly. I definitely cheat no matter what diet I'm doing, and I really think it helps. If I allow myself to cheat occasionally, I don't feel like I'm on a *diet*.
              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


              • #8
                I second the podcast idea.
                I've started through the "medicine" track on streamed to the TV in front of the treadmill in our basement. Half an hour of walking goes by like nothing. So far I've learned about the heart and circulatory system and the lymphatic system! I guess my point is that learning something while walking keeps my mind off what my body is doing, and I'm sure there are podcasts that will do that, too. I listen to podcasts while commuting, but that's more entertainment than learning, so I don't have specific suggestions. Maybe there's a psych/counseling podcast that might be interesting to listen to? Something completely unrelated that you want to learn about casually? Only let yourself listen while walking, and you'll be WANTING to walk, in order to hear the next thing.
                Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                • #9
                  couple of quick thoughts:

                  Get a buddy! Nothing better than chatting someone up while working out. Is there a running store there? Most have MULTIPLE couch to 5k programs. Do not be intimidated. I have seen all levels of fitness participate.

                  Do you have Girls on the Run? Volunteer to coach Zoe. You will automatically be committed to working out twice a week and finishing a 5k. Believe me most girls jog/walk/stop to look at butterflies. Not intimidating at all and complete accountability.

                  Get a cheapie calendar and pencil in your work outs. When you see a pattern, you won't be overwhelmed when you take a few days (or weeks) off. You will still see yourself as an exerciser.

                  Commit to 30 days of working out. Seriously. Print out a calendar for September and write down something every day. Even if it is stretching or meditation. You are committing to one month of moving your body.

                  If you are having a crap day, admit it. Tell yourself, just for the next five minutes I'm going to jog/brisk walk. If I feel like crap then, I will reconsider. I guarantee 9 times out of ten you will get into it. If you don't, you started which is better than not trying at all.

                  Literally talk to yourself out loud. "I've got this!", "I am AMAZING!" "I am a runner". Be obnoxious. Say hi to everyone you meet. Fake it until you make it. Cheer on other runners. See if you can get someone to say hi back.

                  Download the zombie app and pretend you are running from them.

                  Buy cute work out clothes.

                  Allow yourself to watch tv ONLY if you commit to at least doing so many planks, wall sits, etcetera.

                  Think about your kids watching you take care of yourself. Some lessons are caught, some are taught.

                  When your kids are at Orchestra/Kung Fu, walk while they participate. You can do it anywhere. They are old enough to be left and don't need an audience.

                  Only put positive, corny crap in your play list. You can not be sad when you hear Barry Manilow, Hanson, or the Monkees.

                  Do what you love. Dance? Basketball? Rowing? Find it. That's your best bet for the long term.

                  Good luck! Report back! Do not be intimidated. We've all been at that place where committing to start is overwhelming. Let us know how you do.
                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    Love that list, houseelf. I'm committing to 30 days; you just motivated me.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    • #11
                      Since you are hurting right now, my first thought is yoga (with an instructor that will make modifications and make sure your have proper form) and water aerobics. If you are ok with walking, however, I say that's the way to and convenient.
                      Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!

