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Running distances

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  • #16
    I finally was able to go for .5 mile at a time yesterday. Did 4.24 miles total, ran every other quarter mile for either .25 or .5. Still sore, but going back for more today!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


    • #17
      Originally posted by v-girl View Post
      I finally was able to go for .5 mile at a time yesterday. Did 4.24 miles total, ran every other quarter mile for either .25 or .5. Still sore, but going back for more today!

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
      Amazing! Whenever I don't feel like running I can still talk myself into walking! I feel like it's a good thing to still get the miles/steps in either way!

      Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


      • #18
        This why I sign up for races? Left to my own devices, I'm a two to three times a week girl.

        My brother the engineer has a Garmin and maps it all out and tells me his mileage, exertion, incline. Bleh. Go find a new trail. Find a buddy.

        Make it fun! Do you have a local running store? They are awesome about hosting different runs and games and socializing. I tend to do well with either a goal or viewing it as my fun time. Having to "get in" mileage for maintenance just kills it for me.

        Good luck!
        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #19
          LOL, I totally have a Garmin. A pretty fancy one now, with heart rate and everything. I also have an account on that lets me compete with other runners who've done a segment of road before me. Or to compare my time on a route to previous times I've done the same route. But I mostly use it for a mileage record and to remind me where I've gone.

          My motivation is that it's my "me" time to think, and that I am trying to keep improving in speed and endurance.

          When school resumes and I have regular childcare I think I'll be doing three "serious" runs per week (4-5 miles of intervals, 30 minutes of tempo pace, and a long run) and then hiking or walking or doing an easy run the other days. I might even start increasing the length of my long run again...I have this fantasy of doing a flattish 10-mile route (two five-mile loops, actually) near my home and then holding it as my benchmark for future improvement on Strava.

          houseelf, how do group runs work? I have been thinking of getting in touch with some local friends who run and who I think go out in groups sometimes. I'm worried though that nobody's pace will match and it'll end up just like running solo anyway?
          Last edited by spotty_dog; 08-14-2015, 09:11 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
            I have this fantasy of doing a flattish 10-mile route (two five-mile loops, actually) near my home and then holding it as my benchmark for future improvement on Strava.
            Great goal! I'm on strava too! What's your user name? I'll follow you! I love getting the strava results and seeing my little virtual trophy! My brother and I both train for triathlons but live in different cities so it's fun to see what he's been doing in there as my motivation!

            Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


            • #21
              I ran 1.25 miles without stopping this morning! Woo!
              Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


              • #22
                Originally posted by gcuthbe1 View Post
                Great goal! I'm on strava too! What's your user name? I'll follow you! I love getting the strava results and seeing my little virtual trophy! My brother and I both train for triathlons but live in different cities so it's fun to see what he's been doing in there as my motivation!

                Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
                I'll PM you. Speaking of triathlons, I also want to sneak some time on the bike in there. (I'll never be a swimmer though, LOL.)


                • #23
                  I haven't taken up running yet, but have found brisk walks (and a Fitbit) to be very helpful. Last fall I was walking 4km at lunchtime (45 minutes) and 4km every evening (45 minutes), tracking my 1500 calories eaten per day on, and lost about 30 lbs in 6-7 weeks. Alas I've gotten too busy since then and haven't kept it up.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Windsurfer View Post
                    I haven't taken up running yet, but have found brisk walks (and a Fitbit) to be very helpful. Last fall I was walking 4km at lunchtime (45 minutes) and 4km every evening (45 minutes), tracking my 1500 calories eaten per day on, and lost about 30 lbs in 6-7 weeks. Alas I've gotten too busy since then and haven't kept it up.
                    I love my fitness pal! But it gets to be such a chore trying to figure out how many calories were in your meal, even if it was a healthy one!

                    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by gcuthbe1 View Post
                      I love my fitness pal! But it gets to be such a chore trying to figure out how many calories were in your meal, even if it was a healthy one!
                      Yeah, almost *especially* if it was a healthy one -- a home-cooked meal with lots of fresh ingredients is the worst. That's why I quit counting calories and did this "Vegan Before 6" diet thing. It sounds schticky but it fits in perfectly with my lifestyle and keeps my appetite right in balance with my energy needs, without having to worry about what or how to eat.

                      Fitbit rocks too! I couldn't believe how 10,000 steps and 30 active minutes per day have improved my general feeling of healthiness and wellbeing. I can't find time to go to the gym but I can always find time to *not* sit on my butt.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
                        Yeah, almost *especially* if it was a healthy one -- a home-cooked meal with lots of fresh ingredients is the worst. That's why I quit counting calories and did this "Vegan Before 6" diet thing. It sounds schticky but it fits in perfectly with my lifestyle and keeps my appetite right in balance with my energy needs, without having to worry about what or how to eat.

                        Fitbit rocks too! I couldn't believe how 10,000 steps and 30 active minutes per day have improved my general feeling of healthiness and wellbeing. I can't find time to go to the gym but I can always find time to *not* sit on my butt.
                        Yeah I've started paying attention to my steps tracked on my phone! It's really interesting.
                        Do you post anywhere in here about accountability for your daily exercise/diet? I was thinking about creating a thread but not sure if one already exists. I'm still not sure that I have access to all the threads :-/

                        Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by gcuthbe1 View Post
                          Yeah I've started paying attention to my steps tracked on my phone! It's really interesting.
                          Do you post anywhere in here about accountability for your daily exercise/diet? I was thinking about creating a thread but not sure if one already exists. I'm still not sure that I have access to all the threads :-/
                          Naw, I don't think you're missing anything. There have been monthly "encouragement" threads in the past but those petered out. Always feel free to start a thread if there's a topic you want to talk about!!


                          • #28
                            Your Fitbit page can be configured to let someone else check up on selected pieces of information. Sometimes that enough motivation even if they don't check very often or you don't know for sure when they will.


                            • #29
                              My family and friends share "cheers" now and again and pay attention to our leaderboards, not super competitively but enough to make it motivating. And right now I know I have to make up 8k steps this coming week so I can beat my friend in Arizona! Fortunately she has some 17-18k step days that will be dropping off her weekly totals soon so I have a chance. (Meanwhile I have no chance at beating my dad, he is too dang consistent about his daily 5 mile walks...)

