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Personal Trainer Meal Plan

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  • #16
    I just wanted to say from the pictures you posted you look amazing! I am inspired by your hard work and I think you've done it the right way by making lifestyle changes that you can actually maintain. Ignore the trainer and keep up the good work maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Wife of Anesthesiology Resident


    • #17
      Okay, I am going to spare you my whole rant about how we need calories to live (literally ENERGY, your body RUNS on calories). You know what works for you in terms of WW and how it makes you feel and yadda. So let me just offer this article about deficits:


      • #18
        Put me in the 900 calories NFW camp. You definitely need more than that. Especially with the way you are working out now.

        I think you are definitely at the point where you don't need to worry about numbers anymore and just focus on how things fit and how you look (which is fantastic, by the way).

        When I was picking my number (160), it seemed pretty high. I asked my is 5' 6" and about that weight and a size 10. My youngest sister (the one I just posted prom pics of) is also that weight and extremely muscular. I think she said she might even be an 8...and she is perfect! It drove home that the weight number can be very nebulous.
        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


        • #19
          Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
          Okay, I am going to spare you my whole rant about how we need calories to live (literally ENERGY, your body RUNS on calories). You know what works for you in terms of WW and how it makes you feel and yadda. So let me just offer this article about deficits:
          The full article there seems to only be available to members?

          I agree with everyone else; that is WAY too little food. Period. And you SAID you were satisfied with your weight. So she either made a mistake and sent you someone else's plan, or she didn't listen, and in either case, she's passing out bad advice.

          Is this something you paid extra for through the gym? I realize it could get weird to go to them and point out that she's giving bad advice, and I realize you're maybe not in a location where you have a lot of choice of gyms, which makes it tough, too.

          If you wrote back to her and said "I said I wanted to maintain my weight and gain strength and endurance, and 900 calories a day is NOT going to do that", it might be telling to see what she responds with.
          Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


          • #20
            Please, please do not give her a second chance. She's shown you that she has some dangerous ideas and doesn't listen to you. Walk away and find someone who respects you and all the hard work you've already done!

            Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
            Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


            • #21
              Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View Post
              This. Totally agree. Anyone who gets a client who is as successful as you've been on your own should be thrilled knowing that you're committed to success and hard work.

              Even if it was a mistake, it clearly put you in a bad place and I'd suggest going with someone else. Plus, even if it was a mistake, she's suggesting something completely unhealthy no matter who it is which makes me think she's unqualified.
              THIS. So much this.

              I'm going to stop ranting. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even come in to a thread that I knew would trigger me like that. You are AWESOME, LM. Completely BADASS. And you are going to achieve amazing things and rock your goals! You need someone who sees your strength and commitment and listens to your goals and helps you in every way.


              • #22
                Originally posted by poky View Post
                The full article there seems to only be available to members?
                Weird, I find it every time I want to refer to it by doing a Google search and it's always readable from there…lemme try again.


                • #23
                  What everyone - especially SpottyDog - said! Look for another trainer. Not all of them are created equal. Some have a two f-ing week online course certification, some make it a nice job while in school/doing something else and some make it a career. I always look for the career people. Still, those have all kinds of specializations. I have NEVER gone to a trainer because I wanted to lose weight. I first went because I was dxd with hypertension and wanted to learn about exercising at the gym. Now, I have one because I see a PT and need basically a babysitter that makes sure that I use proper body mechanics and when I do not gives me feedback to take to my PT. Dude has even come to a PT therapy session with me because he wanted to learn more. I was spoiled - my very first trainer ever was working on his PhD.

                  You know your body best! You also know your lifestyle best too. I once had one trainer that is into body building competitions. I asked her if she wanted some rosemary plants that I had left over from my garden. She actually asked me what she would do with that herb. I told her grill rosemary chicken. When she looked at me oddly, I asked her how she cooked her chicken. She boils it plain!!! This foodie knew right then and there that the relationship would not last. I want a trainer that loves food as much as I do.

                  Sorry, I know it is a pain to look for someone else but I would talk with another trainer. One that will work with your lifestyle and your fitness goals. For example, when I told my trainer that I would be going skiing, the routine changed to prepare me for that type of activity.
                  Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
                    Weird, I find it every time I want to refer to it by doing a Google search and it's always readable from there…lemme try again.
                    Weird. Yeah, there seems to be something that lets you get to the full article (at least the first time) when you go from a google link, but not when you go directly to the URL. So, if you get the "log in to see the full article" page, search for "ideal calorie deficit" on google and click on the one at that domain (should be just a few down, first page).
                    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                    • #25
                      Thank you all so much! You're right, I was in a really bad place last night. So today I skipped the gym and ran 6 miles at one of my fastest paces yet, and I'm feeling pretty proud of what my body can do! I will give it the rest of today to decide if I want to tell her I'm not doing the meal plan but will work with her on the strength training exercises, but I'm pretty sure I should just switch trainers altogether.
                      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                      • #26
                        Are you sure it isn't a typo? 1900 calories seems perfectly reasonable. I'll reread. And I skipped a bunch of responses so I'll read those too. But 1900 sounds like a solid maintenance calorie number and I bet it was a typo.

                        I reread it and I still think it's a typo. And I've talked to quite a few trainers who stick with the less food before bedtime theory. I personally sleep better when I don't go to bed full....but sometimes my day means I get my food later in the day. And for the food choices, they are all pretty solid. Most of the fitness people I interact with daily are all bland boring food people. But I think it comes from laziness....who wants to prepare 6 tasty meals? And if you are calorie you add the tablespoon of fatty flavor or skip it for the extra 2 cups of veggies or extra serving of protein? Also, most of these people really do love yummy foods but have trouble coming back from a well seasoned meal back to their boring's easier for them if the food is bland and functions solely as fuel.
                        Last edited by Michele; 04-26-2016, 12:35 PM.
                        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Michele View Post
                          Are you sure it isn't a typo? 1900 calories seems perfectly reasonable. I'll reread. And I skipped a bunch of responses so I'll read those too. But 1900 sounds like a solid maintenance calorie number and I bet it was a typo.
                          I thought that too except that she said 150 per meal for 6 meals.


                          • #28
                            On my screen it says only 150 for the last 2 meals.
                            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                            • #29
                              Ah, I was inferring that meant to be strictly 150 for the last two meals, but that you could be more flexible with the other four meals, shifting your calories around "if you need more at lunch." But that might be me and my issues -- seeing that number on there in a professional training recommendation sure made me see red and stop thinking logically! So maybe it wouldn't hurt for LM to ask for clarification. I still think she can do better and find someone who cares about her goals. "I forget why you have a June deadline" and "goal: weight loss/tone" when she said she wants to maintain her weight and get stronger for a specific kind of intensely physical event, means the trainer isn't listening.
                              Last edited by spotty_dog; 04-26-2016, 03:38 PM.


                              • #30
                                Oh ok, that might make more sense. I read it like SD, too. I am also annoyed at how she didn't listen at all. I have been thinking about it, and I just don't want to do the six small bland meals per day. It's not something I'll sustain long term. I love good food, and that's not something I'm willing to give up for the rest of my life. LOL, she may end up firing me!!
                                My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

