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baby walkers pros and cons

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  • baby walkers pros and cons

    My husband says that the buying the baby walker is a bad idea, cause the child has no stimulus to independent moving. That's why baby starts to walk too late and has some problems with the spine. I think that the walkers help kids to develop. Maybe I should choose a special type of walkers? Which one I need to buy? (for example,
    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    I'm not much help because we've never had one. They did have the activity type centers at daycare where they sit in it with toys but there is a plastic saucer on the bottom and both kids really liked those. I'm not sure they have traditional type walkers with wheels anymore because of safety but I could be wrong. I wouldn't be worried about development because of it though. It's always nice to have a safe place to park them for a minute and it's not like you will leave them in there all day every day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Wife of Anesthesiology Resident


    • #3
      Sorry I should have checked the link first. The jumperoo is similar to what I was talking about and they were happy in there. We had a doorway jumper that my son loved but my daughter didn't. We also had the radio flyer walker wagon. It was nice for them to walk behind but hard to turn because it's heavy. They loved giving each other rides in it as they got older and because it was heavy it never tipped over.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Wife of Anesthesiology Resident


      • #4
        We never had a walker. We had an exersaucer that was stationary, but once they started to have interest in being mobile, we let them pull up on and push toys.
        Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


        • #5
          Thanks to all!


          • #6
            I aplogize for bumping...just my 2Cents...

            I love our rainforest! There are several reasons. I have a tiny son and he fit in the seat around 3 months. No, he couldn't reach the floor, but we also didn't have to stuff blankets in it either. It is also being used by a friend's 7 month old who is a lot chunkier than our son is even now at 15 months! I love it. Its easy to spin all the way around, has a teether, the front lights up and plays music and there are different settings. There are two different volume levels and different noise ones that are nice. One plays the music longer and the other requires the toys to be hit more often, so as they grow they learn that the movement makes the sounds. Its overall a great jumperoo. I bought it as a set with the highcair on amazon and we got a good deal. Definitely worth the money in my opinion! Hope you find one that works best for your little one though, as they are all different and not all experiences are the same

            We also had the baby einstein like this and my friend had the rainforest and we often would switch for a few weeks. I would say both are great. The baby einstein has some pros that the rainforest has and vice versa. einstein has great toys that my kiddo loved for a long time, and quite a variety of activities. The rainforest is much easier to bounce in but they have to be tall enough to bounce. I did like that the einstein folded up easily. They are both great and I bet you'd be happy with either one of them!

            I love watching videos on YouTube, here is one of them, I hope it will answer your question


            • #7
              My first kid really loved sitting in one of these at a friend's house. My second son is probably ready for one now, but we don't have one. I don't have any developmental concerns about them, I just don't feel like storing a huge thing that babies only use for a few months. We do have the doorway kind, though. They store great. With my first, he loved that doorway thing so much and DH wanted to put a hook in the living room ceiling for it so he didn't have to be back the hall where our only doorways are. I talked him out of it, luckily, because, again, babies only use those things for a few months.

              Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk


              • #8
                We have a Rainforest Jumparoo that we use a few times a week for no longer than 15 min at a time, max 30 min/day. G LOVES it and it really helps in the morning as I'm trying to finish packing stuff up. I swear it's the only thing that will help me get out the door on time.

                Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


                • #9
                  Oh hey zombie troll thread! Actual members, please don't click on links left by members who have posted only once or twice.
                  Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                  • #10
                    I know this is a zombie thread, but I'm NEVER going to get to 50 posts otherwise, so I'll just add that we got out our doorway jumper last night, and DS LOVED it. Usually when I try to stand him up on my lap his legs are like wet noodles, and they were at first in the jumper, too, but we left him in there for a bit and he figured out how to make it bounce. Plus he's more upright and can see around more than in his swing or bouncy seat.

                    Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Elchorrito View Post
                      I know this is a zombie thread, but I'm NEVER going to get to 50 posts otherwise, so I'll just add that we got out our doorway jumper last night, and DS LOVED it. Usually when I try to stand him up on my lap his legs are like wet noodles, and they were at first in the jumper, too, but we left him in there for a bit and he figured out how to make it bounce. Plus he's more upright and can see around more than in his swing or bouncy seat.

                      Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
                      You’re fine! We get a fair amount of trolls that come in, post a few times and then start blanketing posts with random links. I remember your introduction, so post away. How long did your DS last in the jumper? Mine loved it for 10 minutes and then they were DONE.
                      Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                      • #12
                        Well today didn't go as well. Yesterday he loved it and lasted while I folded a good bit of laundry (so maybe 15-20min), but today I tried it again and he sort of slid down in and scratched his cheek on some velcro in it and now he's just ticked at me.

                        DH is on call tonight, and DS1 is at my parents' for a few days, so LO just has me to scream at for tonight. He's usually a pretty happy baby, but today he has been mad at the world. Bouncer and all.

                        Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk


                        • #13
                          Sorry about disgruntled baby. That's nice ds1 is at your parents. Mine usually keep my son on Friday nights but since they are out of town, no luck this week. Hopefully he likes the bouncer again next time.

                          Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

                          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!

