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  • Vegan??

    Is anybody vegan or really strict vegetarian? I am ovo-lacto, but I was thinking about becoming vegan (shh don't tell DH, he hates I don't eat meat, if he realized all animal products were out, that would put him over the edge). Any support or advice?

  • #2
    I take that as a no


    • #3
      I'm strictly veg - no fish fowl or meat, but I do eat ovo-lacto.
      It's not a matter of getting protein, I just really really like ice cream and pizza and cake and omelettes.
      If I were really true to my principles, I guess I'd also cut out ovo-lacto, but there's only so much I can take. So I support you in theory, but you'll still catch me putting honey in my tea.
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        that is the difficulty I have as well. Cheese! there are really good substitutes for eggs, and I hate milk anyway, but cheese? yum. The thing is I feel guilty continuing on. . .


        • #5
          Originally posted by fluffhead
          So I support you in theory, but you'll still catch me putting honey in my tea.
          No honey even?? Oh - that's just too much to ask. but then our 1/3 of a cow is being delivered Saturday, so I think we know where I stand. Good luck!


          • #6
            but then our 1/3 of a cow is being delivered Saturday, so I think we know where I stand
            ...this sooo reminds me of the time I was in second grade @ st.marys and won a raffle prize for a Side of beef! my parents had to go out and buy an upright freezer just for storage, when it all arrived. In college I was a total frutarian/Vegiatarian ovo lacto, mostly ate raw or slighty steamed was probably a result from the side of beef thing...needless to say it only lasted for a few years.


            • #7
              A few years? That's impressive.

              I tried to be veggie once in high school but I came back from soccer practice to a lovely London Broil on the table and said screw it. So, uh, Jesher, I'm with you.


              • #8
                I was an ovo-lacto vegetarian for 2 years, I had to switch back to meat because I was weak all the time. I didn't balance my diet well enough to get the right amounts of protien. I thought of going back to it but it would be hard to grocery shop since my fiance lives on meat


                • #9
                  ok then. . . I think I will take lily's suggestion and check out a forum where people are a wee more supportive. thanks for your comments.


                  • #10
                    I don't think we are not being supportive, I just personally have no tips or advice. Sorry you feel that way.


                    • #11
                      Sorry! I don't have any advice for you. There are some vegetarians on this site but no vegans that come to mind. I was vegetarian for quite a while. I don't eat much meat now, but obviously since I do, I'm not vegetarian. I also really enjoy eggs and cheese and don't have qualms with eating either. While there are good cheese substitutes for regular cheddar-type cheese, it is the brie and gruyere and manchego that I would really miss.

                      Oh, and I have 2 beehives. I also love to bake. Most vegan desserts I have tried are not worth the calories, IMO.

                      Deborah Madison's cookbooks often mention the recipes that can be made vegan and what needs to be changed or left out. Maybe those would give you some ideas.


                      • #12
                        My ex was hard-core vegan so I tried going veg for about 2 years and I must say it was rough when you're not on the same boat. I won't pretend to remember all the food combinations and supplements he used, but I do know he was totally knowledgable about it and followed it carefully. I also know he only had energy for a few daily activities like his morning jog and after that he was totally wiped out! Forget having a real job...

                        Food became an issue with us and after a while I just got tired of trying to accommodated his diet. I wanted to be able to go out for some pizza, beer and ice cream without it being an issue every time, jeez! Sounds trite, I know. But I love eating with my dh now and I know I didn't feel that way about meal time with my ex. And since I usually only see DH during meals...

                        I hope you find the support you're looking for.



                        • #13

                          Life lives on life....something will eat my body when I die...all part of the big system if you ask me...but good luck to you...being human is interesting in all the 'choices' people make.


                          • #14
                            I have been vegetarian most of my life and have been vegan at times. Like you, my weakness is cheese. And chocolate! But even now I dont eat much dairy. I use soy milk as it usually fortified with vitamins and calcium.
                            My advice would be that if you enjoy cooking and have a reasonable amount of time to cook, plus either have a good cook book or find some good websites for new ideas it is easy enough to be vegan. Sorry I dont have any suggestions of books, I have a couple but am not at home at the moment! If you have a good health food store nearby that helps a lot.
                            One drawback is that eating out can be hard. Asian restaurants are often a good bet, or tomato based Italian food for example.
                            Another word of warning is that eggs and dairy products are often hidden in things that you would not expect, you'll become an expert label reader! And a lot of "fake" cheese products actually have a cheese protein in, I think it is called cassein (sp?). it depends how strict you want to be.
                            I gave up being strictly vegan as I dont have a lot of time to cook, and am often on the road for work and was finding it hard to eat properly. You have to listen to your body too, and you should take B vitamin supplements, but it can be a very healthy way to live if done properly.
                            Good luck

