Anyone commiting to a summer training program?
I've got three possible races in mind: Columbus, Indianapolis, and New York City. I'm still too chicken to actually sign up for the NYC lottery.
I feel like you have to be a "serious" runner to travel to another city and run one of these mega marathons. My mentality is more along the lines of: "oh much do I *really* have to run in order to finish?"
Columbus consistently gets rave reviews but I might get Phoebe or Sally to run with me if I do Indy.
I should disclose the fact that I haven't run in...oh four months. If I start soon, I can train in six months.
Anyone, Anyone?
I've got three possible races in mind: Columbus, Indianapolis, and New York City. I'm still too chicken to actually sign up for the NYC lottery.

Columbus consistently gets rave reviews but I might get Phoebe or Sally to run with me if I do Indy.
I should disclose the fact that I haven't run in...oh four months. If I start soon, I can train in six months.
Anyone, Anyone?