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Next race??

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  • Next race??

    I am making a goal of a 10K in April. Anyone want to join me? Same race not necessary. Annie, if you want to meet up again for it we should try to pressure another iMSNer into it too!

  • #2
    10K, holy crap! I'm up to walking a 5K now.

    Good luck. Try me again in a few years. By then you'll be running marathons with Kelly though.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3

      I don't want you to hang out here all by yourself. I'm on for a 10K in April.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Shoot, April will be too soon for me but I'd love to give it another shot for the next one. The plantar fasciiatis is gone (knock on wood) even with the weight of pregnancy and this is the last pregnancy. I should be road-worthy in a year or so!


        • #5

          I got outside for another 3 miles today.

 steps. Me too. There's always someone faster and slower. The race is a financial and ego investment. It makes me stick with the exersize plan when I just don't want to move. You get a t-shirt for walking too, you know....

          Kelly, I would be honored to try to keep pace with you.

          Nellie, don't worry. I'll be pestering everyone about another one for the fall of '07 most likely.


          • #6
            Kelly, I would be honored to try to keep pace with you.

            Janet, darling, you're killing me here. The reverence, while amusing, is completely unmerited.

            Seriously, I'm a hard-core rank and file runner. Mediocrity is my mantra! In college, I took a running class for P.E. and strolled in late eating a snickers bar. Meanwhile all these fit, firm, beautiful bodies talked about the merits of soy and wheat germ. I only run three days a week not only because I'm busy but because I get ADHD after that. Truly, I'm a couch-potatoe--turned-runner-come-lately. Don't let the marathon thing fool you.

            However, if you *must* revere me, do so for my rightful place as the supreme, ultimate ruler of the universe. I promise to be a benevolent dictator.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Whew, Kelly. I was thinking I would have to wear makeup and all to this thing. I am so very middle of the pack. But I have hoped for a long time to do a marathon, more for the mental accomplishment than physical.

              Um, Ms. Dictator, if you want to take the responsibility...have you seen the mess lately?


              • #8
                On track...3 miles. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to take a short vacation to the west in the spring.


                • #9
                  If you're heading all the way west and it is SF or north of and it's later than earlier spring....let me know.


                  • #10
                    Nellie, It won't be to race, but I plan on getting back to the west coast within the next year to see family. You bet I'll look you up.

                    For running I was just thinking that I'll travel somewhere that is easy for Annie and Kelly too. Unless they insist on doing the Boston marathon.


                    • #11
                      We'll let see about Boston. Hmm..if I can continue to run at my current pace forever, I'll qualify for Boston when I hit the 65 year old age group. Perhaps we should arrange to meet before then?

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        Ran 10k this morning... 49:28.

                        My goal is to run under 45:00

                        Though I am not upset about 49:28 today.


                        • #13
                          Hey Peter- that's awesome!

                          I signed my husband up for a 10k and me for a 5k on Thanksgiving morning. I haven't done a 5k since 2000. We'll see.



                          • #14
                            Hey, Peter, Congrats!

                            All of us must promise that if we ever really do meet up for a race, we will "stunt race" in costume.

                            I, of course, will wear the trappings of my internet personae: Dominatrix complete with black leather pants and a whip.

                            How 'bout it?

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #15
                              I, of course, will wear the trappings of my internet personae: Dominatrix complete with black leather pants and a whip.
                              Gulp, not sure if that would make me run faster, or drop to my knees.

