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Cooking Shops

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  • Cooking Shops

    Yup! We've gone to "Dream Dinners" a couple times, and "Dinner's Ready" is the other one we have near us; seeems really similar.

    Things I liked:
    1) Not a bad price per meal
    2) Nice to get a bunch of decent meals taken care of all at once with no mess in my own kitchen and no extra ingredients lying around, plus it adds some variety to the same old things we usually throw together for dinner.
    3) Because you put your own things together, you can change things around a bit as you're compiling the meals (putting a little extra or less of something or leaving one ingredient out entirely, for instance)
    4) It does give you some good ideas for relatively easy-to-throw-together meals to make yourself later; if you really like something, they're generally not all that hard to replicate (a cell phone pic of the assembly instructions is probably cheating, but would help here).

    Things we've had trouble with:
    1) Most meals need to be thawed for 24-48 hours (and a few weren't quite thawed after being in our fridge for two days). We're horrible about planning things that far ahead, so we found that some meals just sat in our chest freezer waiting for when we knew we'd have time for a good sit-down meal 2-3 days later.
    2) We're both picky eaters, and most of these places won't tell you ingredients ahead of time (when you're choosing which meals to make) to enough granularity - for instance, we both dislike mushrooms, and we've had a couple times when a recipie includes a bunch of cream of mushroom soup; no way for us to have known that ahead of time, so we've ended up improvising on the fly.

    I know the things we have issues with would likely not be problems for most people, and I do intend to give them a try again once we move; now that I'm working from home, the first item would probably be less of an issue. I'd say it's definitely worth trying once at least.
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty

  • #2
    I've done it and I like it.

    The price per meal is pretty good, and you can split meals for smaller portions. My kids generally won't eat stuff like that (I haven't done it in awhile).

    Go for the "money food". Select things w/meats, etc. Don't waste it on dessert or sides.

    I loved not having to prep and clean up.


    • #3
      I did this once with a local company that had more vegetarian options. I really liked it. It got me on a kick of making several bigger size meals and freezing half. It is nice to have in the freezer.

      Not enough of the Dream Dinner meals appealed to me but the menus for some other places have.


      • #4
        to what everyone else said.

        I did Dream Dinners once with some friends and I liked most of their meals. I still had to come up with side dishes, but DD included ideas for side dishes so I didn't really have to put a lot of thought into it. One thing I liked about DD is that most of their recipes were made with lowfat/nonfat ingredients. One downside is that they did not offer any organic meats or veggies (although, maybe this has changed).

        We've talked about doing this with a group of friends at one of our houses, but someone still has to do the shopping and cleanup.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Makai
          We've talked about doing this with a group of friends at one of our houses, but someone still has to do the shopping and cleanup.
          I would love to do something like this. I would do the shopping to get out of clean-up duty.

          I was working on a business idea along these lines. I got as far as finding commercial kitchen space and starting the health dept permit process. It ended up not working out which for the time and what happened in the months following was probably for the best. The idea is still in a dusty corner in the back of my mind.


          • #6
            Nellie I've gotta hook you up with our friend who lives on Skyline...when her first was born she made it through a couple of months working full-time as a lawyer until she realized she didn't like leaving her son at daycare and would rather be home with him. When she first started staying home she conceived of an idea to produce ready-to-cook meals for working families to heat and serve. (She's an awesome cook.) I think she shelved that idea too, but between the two of you...(She has two boys now, they must be 6 and 3? 7 and 4?)

            They have Labs too.


            • #7
              One of the problems was that my business partner turned out to be a total flake. I would love to give it another shot. I still have all my notes. I wonder if she is familiar with the business name that I was working with -- it was operating for a while with the flake, got busted by the health dept, and then I was going to help her get it started again (legally).


              I would be interested in talking to her.


              • #8
                We are hardly in contact but I'll dig up her info if I can!

