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Holiday recipes

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  • Holiday recipes

    I know, I know, it's a little early to think about Thanksgiving meals but you know me, the cooking freak. I can't help it since I've already gotten my Food and Wine and Bon Appetit November issues. And of course, the stores already have Christmas trees up.

    How about we share some tried and true recipes or bounce new recipes around. What is everyone thinking of making, wanting to try, or wanting to share an awesome recipe.

    This year I think I'm going to try something new in my stuffing - chestnuts! And for those of you who are lucky to get Thanksgiving dinner made for you, phooey!

  • #2
    I cook the same @$@# thing every Thanksgiving and was thinking about something different this year. I actually do not like Turkey!!! Maybe a goose or duck. Any suggestions
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      I've got a good recipe for stuffing. It is called herb & bacon corn bread stuffing. You can either pull it up at the Epicurius website or I can post it. It takes forever to make but it is awesome!!! By the way, it isn't my recipe--my sister found it off that site and we have used that one for Thanksgiving ever since.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        Luanne, I've never had goose but would like to try someday. I love duck but I'd have to prepare about 3-4 for a family Thanksgiving since it is mostly fat and shrinks up quite a bit. What do you think of prime rib? We had that last Thanksgiving. I've actually never cooked up a whole turkey before. The one year I made turkey I had the butcher de-bone it then I stuffed and rolled it up. The idea of having my oven tied up for 4-5 hours is too daunting.

        Sue, bacon with dressing is awesome!


        • #5
          I think prime rib is an excellent idea! We have it every Christmas. There is always a family "debate" over when to take the prime rib out so I have a word of caution for you. If you like your prime a little rare (we like it pink in the middle) you can't necessarily go by temperature because it will continue to cook once you take it out of the oven. My sister (who used to be in the restaurant business) swears by taking it out after only 2 hours regardless of what size it is. I have to admit the one year the prime was just right was the year we followed her suggestion. Every other time my mom insists on cooking it at least 4 hours and it is medium in the middle.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            My aunt and uncle have prepared goose for Christmas and everyone really enjoyed it. I think that would be a nice alternative if you have a smaller sized group.
            I miss preparing Thanksgiving! I don't think I've made it for about 5 or 6 years at our house and I miss it!


            • #7
              My mom made goose one Christmas and everyone hated it- it is a very greasy bird, that's for sure. Duck can be too but for some reason we all hated the goose.

              The menu will be exactly the same at mom's this year. I've missed it that past three years and I'm psyched to not be dealing with cooking. Last year we went out to a very fancy dinner in San Antonio (Biga on the Banks for those of you in the SA area- great meal, too.)

              Anyway, we will have: turkey, mashed potatoes, sausage stuffing, oyster stuffing, my layered apples/yams thing (recipe posted last year), peas (the token something green) plus apple pie (Mrs. Smiths but my brother has no idea, he thinks my mom slaves making four pies) and pumpkin pie (she really does do the two pumpkin pies) and vanilla ice cream.

              This year I think it will be my dad's brother, his wife and my horrible 10 year old cousin; my very cool 28 year old cousin who works in DC and whose parents are in Ohio, my mom's sister and my teenager cousins (yes, we're very spread out age-wise!) my brother, SIL and Rick and I. We may bring my grandmother in from Pittsburgh, too. The best part is the combination of families. For a long time my cousins on my mom's side thought that my grandmother on my dad's side was their grandmother, too.

              Oh well, the food is awesome. The oyster stuffing is amazing. It's my grandfather's secret recipe. He was a cook on a Navy Troop Transport ship during WWII and got some really great recipes from the other cooks on board.



              • #8
                I grew up with the familiar Thanksgiving dinner that has now become comfort food and provides the instant holiday "mood" in my house:

                Roasted Turkey
                Cornbread and Sage Dressing
                Sweet Potato Bake (sweet potatoes, applesauce, pecans, brown sugar, cinnamon)
                Mashed Potatoes (with just a smidgeon of sour cream)
                Corn on the Cob
                Fried Okra (that's our greenery)
                Cranberry Sauce
                Home-made Yeast Rolls and Corn Bread (with lots of butter, yum!)


                Pecan Pie
                Pumpkin Pie
                Apple Pie (sometimes)
                Vanilla Ice Cream (to accompany the pie)

                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                • #9
                  Reading back over my post my geographic origin just jumps out at me with the foods that I overwhelmingly favor for Thanksgiving: corn, fried okra, pecans, and sweet potatoes! I am obviously from somewhere south of the North! :P

                  Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                  With fingernails that shine like justice
                  And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                  • #10
                    Everything sounds good. I grew up in Mississippi and I also LOVE okra, we never have it for holidays, but I think I will this year!!!!
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11
                      Unless you love really gamey tasting meat, I would not recommend the goose. I fixed one for Christmas last year and I believe it was the most disgusting thing I have ever had. Ranks up there with liver and lima beans, yuck! I could not get the smell out of my kitchen for what seemed like forever.

                      I always make my turkey the same way, lots of fresh sage leaves under the skin and baste with about a flippin pound of herbed butter. I try to change up the other dishes frequently but DH has taken to certain ones passionately like my wild rice and goat cheese stuffing, maque choux, pumpkin cresents, triple nut pie. The only thing I am passionate about is the cranberry dishes. I usually make a couple and they involve liquer in most cases .

                      I haven't even begun to think about this year, which is horrible because I usually have all my Christmas shopping done by now, and I haven't even started, yikes!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by trisha2486
                        I usually have all my Christmas shopping done by now
                        8O 8O

                        You must be one organized woman!

                        -Wife of urology attending.
                        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                        • #13
                          You guys are all making me hungry, and I am not even going to be cooking this year. We have just decided to take the kids out of school and head to Indiana for the entire Thanksgiving week, so we will be at my mom's for the big meal.

                          I just wanted to mention, though, that a deep-fried turkey is the best turkey ever, in my opinion. I never was a big fan of turkey before I had one that was prepared this way. It is not at all greasy, (except the skin, which is crispy, as you might expect, but just take it off) but it is VERY moist. Another good part is that it takes MUCH less longer to cook and your oven isn't tied up for hours, either. A bonus (in my husband's family at least) is that the deep-frying itself is apparently a guy thing, much like grilling, so they take it over.

                          I know deep-fried turkey sounds incredibly redneck, but once you try it, you will be convinced, trust me.

                          Now that you all have gotten me in the mood, I have to have a chocolate cream pie as well as pumpkin,the ubiquitous green bean casserole, and a layered cold salad with bacon, cauliflower, onion, lettuce, and a dressing of miracle whip mixed with a little sugar and parmesan --- you let it sit in layers overnight and then toss before serving......delicious! My husband's family has introduced me to a sinful sweet potato casserole that should really go in the dessert is sweet potatoes, brown sugar, butter, and pecans on top.

                          Happy cooking!


                          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                          • #14
                            Hmm....well, maybe a goose isn't such a hot idea. I do remember that it is rich (sort of like duck) and that I had a smaller portion of it but I don't remember it as gamey.

                            Sally, I agree that a deep-fried turkey is delicious and very moist! If I remember correctly, it only takes about 45 minutes to cook and frees up the oven. Of course, you need a fryer that can hold a turkey and an insane amount of oil....but that is not too hard to come by.

                            All this talk of Thanksgiving food is making me hungry. I love the mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, dressing/stuffing, cranberries (cooked and raw, please!), and bread (fresh-baked, please!). The one thing I don't get too excited about is greens -- there is no magical green dish for me and I can eat veggies any other meal or time of the year. My favorite pumpkin pie is from Rose Levy Beranbaum The Pie and Pastry Bible. I'll post it sometime. It has a regular pie crust, then a thin layer of ground gingersnaps and toasted pecans, followed with the traditional pumpkin custard filling. In this recipe, you cook the pumpkin with the spices and brown sugar over the stove for a few minutes which really deepens the flavor. It is so good. As long as there is another pie choice, I'm not too picky, either pecan, apple, or something along those lines. mmmmmm
                            I don't know what we'll do this year. Probably dine with friends as we have for the last few years. Our friends have family in the area and they welcome us in their home. Very nice but I miss making Thanksgiving dinners.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mommax3
                              My husband's family has introduced me to a sinful sweet potato casserole that should really go in the dessert is sweet potatoes, brown sugar, butter, and pecans on top.
                              Do you happen to have this recipe? I never had sweet potatoes growing up so I don't really know how to prepare them. I've been looking for a good sweet potato recipe for the holidays. If anyone else has one, please share!

                              -Wife of urology attending.
                              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

