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Soup exchange

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  • Soup exchange

    On Monday night we had tasty homemade soup for dinner -- but I didn't make it, the neighbor did!

    I'm doing a soup exchange with 3 friends. Every Monday we take turns making soup and make enough for our 4 families. A guaranteed homemade dinner once a week. So far I'm loving it. One of the women has a really big stockpot, at least 12 quarts, that we are sharing. Someone else picked up tupperware type containers that hold about 3 quarts and we rotate those around too.

    We got together to discuss any food allergies or preferences and set up a rotation schedule. So far, so good. I would recommend it.

  • #2
    yum ... I'll join!

    a soup exchange btwn KC and Oregon really isn't feasible, is it?? I guess I'll have to talk to my neighbors. We're already going to be sharing a pig and a cow ... why not some soup?

    On a similar thought, my neighbor won the coolest prize in a raffle at her church: every Monday for a year she gets a home cooked meal delivered to her home by a church member. IMO that is the BEST prize EVER!


    • #3
      The soup might get cold.

      Are you sharing a live pig and cow or a butchered one?

      That raffle prize sounds like a great idea.


      • #4
        To tie in with a previous thread. When it is my turn in 2 weeks, I will be making a 13 bean soup. u:


        • #5
          I thought you were suggesting an iMSN soup exchange! I was like, "Take my gallons of 5-bean and kielbasa soup! Please!" Postage would be a bear though.

          Mmm, soup. I was too rushed to eat mine at lunch time. Better go heat it up.


          • #6
            butchered pig and cow. the cow will actually be shared between 3 families in our neighborhood. super-cheap way to get lots of meat -- good cuts and you know where it was processed. corn fed.

            really gross to think about, but in the long run it's much less expensive and better for my family (as long as we're eating meat anyway ... and that's not going to change).


            • #7
              Wow, that's pretty cool, Jesher. A few years ago some friends of ours served us chops and bacon from a "happy pig" that they had picked out from the free-range farm, bought and had butchered. They were former vegetarians trying to make healthy choices without limiting their new son's diet. That was some darned good pig, but I couldn't imagine storing an entire pig's worth of meat! Doing a co-op is ingenious.

