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The Wonder of Girls--Michael Gurian

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  • The Wonder of Girls--Michael Gurian

    I read Gurian's The Wonder of Boys a couple years ago and thought it was one of the absolute best parenting books I have ever laid my hands on. He offers a gentle perspective, somewhere between the assertions of biologists and feminists about the inner workings of girls. Both books offer fantastic insights to our how our kids, and dare I say it, selves work.

    This is not "light" reading at all. I keep on thinking to myself, oh, I have to pick this back up again in a few years for a review when we hit this stage.

    Most parenting books can take on a shaming feel towards the parents, but I didn't get this vibe at all.

    Kris, if you are reading this, I completely thought of you and Amanda while reading this book.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I have this book. I haven't posted about it here because I haven't read all of it. It is a lot to take in. I like to read in chunks here and there. Someday maybe that will all add up to the whole book.


    • #3
      I completely agree, this is not a beach read, but one that needs picked up for time to time.

      I looooved what he wrote about the female need to nurture and how it conflicts from traditional feminist goals of "Get Out There and Work" and how to guide our daughters to make decisions to meet all of their needs, both mothering and personal.

      This is only one of about a gazillion nuggets within.

      I honestly also can't recommend "The Wonder of Boys" enough. It helped me understand DS and make some important decisions. (This corroborated my decision to start him on an untraditional educational pedagogy). Also, this book helped me understand DH and men in general better.

      I honestly can't stomach another single book that degrades today's parents who do blah, blah, blah. Hey, stupid, I'm interested enough to pick up your book, give me an effing break. Todays parents are no better or worse than before. We just have a completely unique set of challenges.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

