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All Time Favorite Books

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  • All Time Favorite Books

    Since we're having fun listing the movies, I thought we should list some of our favorite books, both from childhood and adulthood. We've sort of done this before but not complied in one place. Maybe it will generate some new ideas!

    So-, to begin:

    From Childhood: The Laura Ingalls Wilder series
    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    The Hobbit

    From High School:
    East of Eden (it was a requirement but I loved it anyway!)
    The Great Gatsby (ditto) (that and the fact that F. Scott and Zelda are buried in a local church plot near where I grew up- and Zelda died in a fire at the local asylum made everything seem that much more tragic)

    For mindless pleasure: The Sue Grafton mystery series (A is for Alibi, B is for Burgler, etc)
    Love in the Time of Cholera
    The Oldest Living Confederates Widow Tells All
    The Nick Bantock series "Griffin and Sabine" (no one I knew had heard of these and then after Rick and I met, I was at his apartment and lo and behold, he had the entire series, too!)

    I love autobiographies and recently have been reading collections of short stories as well. My current bedside table has "Katherine Graham's Washington" (a collection of writing about DC collected by Mrs. Graham over the years and publiched shortly after her death)- so far it's been really interesting

    and what about the rest of you?


  • #2
    I love the Griffin and Sabine stories. I gave my hubby The Gryphon last year for Christmas. Do you know if there has been a new release since then?
    I also like the other books he did -- like The Venetian's Wife. Truly an escape through reading!


    • #3 many great reads out there, unfortunately I'm having trouble narrowing the list:

      Emile Zola-Germinal
      Anything written by Ken Folett
      Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
      All Quiet of the Western Front
      What to Expect when expecting, first year, toddler series
      The Purpose of Your Life-Carol Adrienne
      She's come undone-Wally Lamb
      I know this much is true- Wally Lamb
      I love you as much (children's board book)
      Harold's Purple Crayon (my childhood favorite)
      Out of Africa
      true crime books written by John Douglas
      The Far Pavilions--M.M. Kaye
      Romance novels by Johanna Lyndsey
      100 years of solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez
      Ficciones--Jorge Luis Borges (complete mind trip)

      O.K. I'm going to have to stop here....

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Dune by Frank Herbert
        The Godfather Series

        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          The Lord of the Rings trilogy
          The Dune series
          Anne of Green Gables (in addition to the movies )
          The Narnia series by C.S. Lewis
          The Screwtape Letters (also Lewis)
          Jurassic Park (the book was even better and creepier than the movie)
          Little Women
          A Christmas Carol (Dickens was good, very good)
          I'm also in love with just about every children's book Sandra Boynton does - she is pretty witty!
          Love You Forever (a children's book that makes me cry every time I read it - I think my kids ask me to read it to them just to see me cry! )

          Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
          The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy (funny, funny, funny - and so terribly true)
          A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrande Richards
          Any and all historical biographies - I just have this fascination with the lives of famous/influential dead people

          On my bedside table right now is a biography of Queen Elizabeth I of England
          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #6
            Wow, the list could go on and on. Here are a few favs that come to mind...

            "Beloved" by Toni Morrison

            "Shipping News" by E. Annie Proulx

            "The Painted House" by John Grisham

            "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad

            "The Bluest Eye" by Zora Neale Hurston

            "Not Wanted on the Voyage" by Timothy Findley

            "Tracks" by Louise Erdrich

            "The Soul of a Tree: A Master Woodworker's Reflections" by George Nakashima

