Dispatches from a not so perfect life, or how I learned to love the man, the house, the child. Faulkener Fox
I choose this book because the title appeared to be some sort of primer guide for my life.
When I brought it home, my husband once again wondered about my reading choice and why I felt it was necessary to read this sort of thing. I responded because I'm trying to get a sense of my place in the world and it is always helpful to try to understand the world from another's point of view.
Fox definitely subscribes to the Ann Crittenden/third generation of feminism view of motherhood and has no compunction about detailing the inequities and hardships of pregnancy and childrearing. Her book is entertaining and somewhat enlightening although her theme has been presented by other authors before her.
In truth, I have to say that I couldn't always identify with some of her anger. Particularly in the middle chapters of the book, Fox's anger overshadows her story and this weakens her message. Still, the kernels of truth beneath are wonderful food for thought.
A quick read.
I choose this book because the title appeared to be some sort of primer guide for my life.

Fox definitely subscribes to the Ann Crittenden/third generation of feminism view of motherhood and has no compunction about detailing the inequities and hardships of pregnancy and childrearing. Her book is entertaining and somewhat enlightening although her theme has been presented by other authors before her.
In truth, I have to say that I couldn't always identify with some of her anger. Particularly in the middle chapters of the book, Fox's anger overshadows her story and this weakens her message. Still, the kernels of truth beneath are wonderful food for thought.
A quick read.