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The Nanny Diaries - Emma McLaughlin/Nicola Kraus

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  • The Nanny Diaries - Emma McLaughlin/Nicola Kraus

    I started reading this book because my husband wanted to know how many words per minute I could read (I picked it randomly off a bookshelf), and then couldn't put it down. Its about a young college student (named Nanny) who becomes a nanny for an incredibly wealthy and impossible woman. The majority of the book follows Nanny's adventures with the little boy she cares for and his parents, with smaller segments on her personal life. For as addicting as the book is (I always wanted to know what the mother would do next), I thought the end was incredibly weak. Just as it got to the climax (what would Nanny do when the stress in her life was finally too much??), it ended. Its not that I wanted a 'happily ever after' ending, I just wanted an ending. There were loose ends everywhere and nothing was really resolved. As I neared the end of the book I had that feeling that there was no way that everything could be tied up in the six pages left until the end, and it wasn't. Though I enjoyed the book, it would have been better if it had been complete.

  • #2
    I picked this up in an airport and had it finished by the time we landed. I really enjoyed the book, and although I'm sure the characters are amalgamations and exaggerations- they're not too far off from reality. I think the ending was just like life- not exactly what you would want, but not bad, either.



    • #3
      I need to read this book.

      I've got a very close friend who was a nanny for two different families - both ridiculously wealthy trust-fund-baby-type couples. The stories she's told me! I mean we're talking about cocaine-addictions, buying sports cars on whims, adding an entire wing to a multi-million dollar home just for a new baby, families that have a day nanny, a night nanny, and a weekend nanny (and these are parents without jobs btw). Anyway, nothing in that book would probably surprise that particular friend of mine. I really should read it and get her to read it, too....

      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #4
        Yep, this is a fast read--I did like it, but now that I think about it, they did wrap up the ending rather quick. My sister and I both used to be nanny's, so we could identify (though our families were nowhere near as wealthy or uninvolved in their children's lives). I was always amazed that taking care of somebody's children commanded slightly less respect than was given to the person that scrubbed their toilets.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          I just finished this entertaining read. I agree with everyone else that while there are some exagerations, the authors nail the basic tendencies of the elite social classes in NYC. This book contains keen observations on classism in this country.

          It is an enjoyable, funny read which admittedly lacks a firm final resolution.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            I liked this book too. But I hated Nanny. She just made me mad. It ended too quickly also. I gave it away cuz I knew I would never read it twice. I did recommend it to friends though.


            • #7
              I enjoyed the Nanny Diaries but was angry that Nanny didn't retaliate against Mrs. X. I know she stayed for Grayer, I probably would have done the same but to allow herself to be disrespected like that on a daily basis was maddening! I wanted her to get a backbone and defend herself! No amount of money in the world is worth your self dignity! She could have gotten really creative like loosening the thread in her evening gown, upping the weight on the bathroom scale, etc... Have some fun driving the uptight socialite crazy!!!!

