This is the guys' response to the much talked about recent best seller "The Bitch in the House". 27 male writers talk about their struggles with marriage, parenting, independence, solitude, careers, and societal expectations. This book was hysterical, insightful, validating, and just an all around good read. As an avid reader of social commentary about the pressures of modern marriage and family, these voices represented a much needed presence in this conversation.
Like "Bitch", the authors hail from all walks of life: from Wall Street to prison to SAHDs. Some of them are negotiating their way through post-feminist era "egalitarian" marriages, some have choosen to embrace their inner chauvenistic dog, and some are just trying to figure the whole damn thing out. What all of these men write about transcends current gender issues to expose their basic humanity.
I could not put this book down. I will be giving it and "Bitch" as Christmas gifts to at least one of my girlfriends. After reading this, I'm tempted to find a collection of Asa Barber's essays (the former columnist of Playboy's "Men" column.
Like "Bitch", the authors hail from all walks of life: from Wall Street to prison to SAHDs. Some of them are negotiating their way through post-feminist era "egalitarian" marriages, some have choosen to embrace their inner chauvenistic dog, and some are just trying to figure the whole damn thing out. What all of these men write about transcends current gender issues to expose their basic humanity.
I could not put this book down. I will be giving it and "Bitch" as Christmas gifts to at least one of my girlfriends. After reading this, I'm tempted to find a collection of Asa Barber's essays (the former columnist of Playboy's "Men" column.