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What do you read?

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  • What do you read?

    I have actually had the chance to FINISH a book! Sometimes I have so little time to read that I start feeling illiterate. Anyway, I was wondering what are the latest books all of ya'll have managed to read! I might see something in your lists that I would like to read or have read (other than Where's Spot?).

  • #2
    It had been so long since I had read a book (other than Dr. Seuss) that I resorted to Oprah's book club selections recently when I began reading..

    My favorites:

    1. I know this much is true by Wally Lamb (the best book I have read in a long time)

    2. She's Come Undone: Also Wally Lamb...pretty good

    3. The Pilot's Wife: Anita Shrive

    Oprah has a list available of all of her books from 1996-2000 at

    Let me know if you pick any of them up...Really, I know this much is true has to be one of my alltime favorites...even beat out Catcher in the Rye!!...well...not quite!

    4. While I was Gone: Sue Miller


    • #3
      OK, so I haven't read much other than "Good Night Moon" and Dr. Seuss either. But, BEFORE I was pregnant, one of my favorite books was written by a US author, but set in Canada:

      "Shipping News" by E. Annie Proulx

      It's a hard book to get into (stick with it for at least 50 pages before you give up), but an amazing read. At times I laughed my guts out, at other times I cried. It's a positive and optimistic view of one man's growth from an injured soul into a full human being.


      • #4
        Curious. Do you like it?

        I think I am going to buy it and read it. I have heard it is a well written book and well worth reading.



        • #5
          I'm not sure if anyone will see this being that it has been awhile since the question was posted but I'll go for it anyway. A book I read recently that I really enjoyed was Traveling Mercies by Anne LaMott. It was an easy and interesting read.


          • #6
            How about "The Mask of Motherhood"...has anyone else read it? It is a look at motherhood from the perspective of a sociologist. It explores the myths associated with becoming a mom....compared to the realities...



            • #7
              Interesting books, Jennifer

              I thought that this was a pretty good read though...I didn't agree with everything that she said, but it uncovered the myths of the "perfect" mom. I get tired of trying to hold myself to a standard that not only can I not achieve...but most other moms aren't either....we are just all good at pretending!

              You are really into sci-fi!

              Have you read Genome: Autobiography of a species in 23 chapters...(not sci-fi)...but I remember that you had been a science is a really good read.



              • #8
                It seems that over the last year about the only reading i've done is of course my Real Estate stuff....but now i read phill's medical journals!LOL
                He gets around 25 a week and i do read a lot of them.Some i really like i said before i look forward to Medical Economics every week and i seem to like the news and finanical ones best.I am in the stock market tho so i'm sure that has something to do with liking thoses best.But i also find it gives me another topic to talk to phill about and ask questions.Anything that helps communications i'm all for!I did finish one book recently tho.The Devil's Teardrop by Jeffery Deaver.I love all his books.They are great well written mysteries.And i love Stephen King too.BTW...i have started reading Dr. Suess too after 20years.This time for my grandkiddies and i love them just as much now as i did when i read them to my own kids!LOL


                • #9
                  hey all ---
                  this is the latest "fun" book that i've read: "the rescue" by nicholas sparks. i gave it to my sister for her birthday and ended up reading it first. it is set in edenton, nc (i'm from nc so it's kinda cool) and it is a real tearjerker and romance (but not the cheesy harlequin kind!) -- great book for instant gratification!


                  • #10
                    The extent of my "post twin" reading is confined to backs of cereal boxes...

                    When my girls go to bed, I'm too tired to read! I'd like to read "Tara Road" by Maeve Binchy. Has anyone read it? It was on Oprah's list a long time ago. "Snow Falling on Cedars" by David Guterson is also supposed to be very good. I loved the movie, so I'm interested in the book.


                    • #11
                      OK, here I am being a geek again. The books I recently read were the JRR Tolkien trilogy - The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King (and that does not mean Elvis ). The last book I read from cover to cover that wasn't fiction was probably Abraham in Egypt by Hugh Nibley (a FARMS book - Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies). Those nonfics on motherhood and womanhood often get me depressed or all riled up!


                      • #12
                        Don't laugh here...

                        Have any of you bought/read the "Junie B. Jones" books for kids? I have to recommend them to anyone who has preschool and kindergarten-aged children...Junie B is a mischevious kindergartner and she is always getting herself into one jam or another...the author writes in the first person in the language of a preschooler/kindergartner...I love these books...(My daughter could be mistaken for Junie B on most days!)...there is a whole series...I read 2 chapters from a book each night to the kids before they go to sleep.

