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I Know This Much Is True....Wally Lamb

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  • I Know This Much Is True....Wally Lamb

    I literally could not put this book down! This is the dramatic and touching story about identical twins. One of the twins suffers from schizophrenia and the "healthy" twin grapples with feelings of helplessness, sadness and is told through his eyes and it is truly one of the best books that I have ever read! This ranks right up there with "Catcher in the Rye"!

    The Medical Spouse Network

  • #2

    I've been meaning to read this book ever since I finished his debut book, "She's come undone". Truly, he is a gifted author. Have you tried this title?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      I read "She's Come Undone" after "I know this Much is True" and I thought that I know this much is true" was much better...although the other was very good...If you haven't gotten the book, go out and buy it....and set aside a whole day, because you won't be able to put the thing down!!!

      The Medical Spouse Network


      • #4
        I agree with you on liking "I know..." better than "She's come undone." I also read them in that order and like the first one better. It is amazing to me that he would have such an amazing understanding of the relationship between twins when he isn't a twin. I don't believe there are even any twins in his family.



        • #5
          Okey dokey. I bought the book for the vacation that we are taking next week. I thought that I would just start a little now to get the jist of the story. I can't put it down! It is awesome. He has this amazing gift of developing the characters.

          Since I will probably finish this book before the break, any other good rec.s?

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            O.K., this book rocks! I'm on the chapter that talks about the circumstance that eventually caused the breakup of the marriage. Tear jerker!

            I love how Dominic is both every man and a hero in the same instance. This character makes us feel compassion for our fellow humans even if they are rude, condescending, or whatever. Wally Lamb reminds us that we never know what causes people to act as they do.

            It is amazing that this author can create characters so very different than himself: women, the mentally ill, and twins.

            What did you like best about this book?


            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Kelly, I'll have to go down to the basement and dig out my copy Really, I was amazed at Lamb's ability to create such realistic characters....this book was so "real" believable....and so cathartic!!! I promise you.....I'm getting my book out tomorrow so that I can refresh my mommymush memory.



              • #8
                I loved this one, too. I working in the mental health world- he is dead on about the schizo stuff as well. Very very good!


                • #9
                  Well, I've swept the dust off of the cover and I'm ready to discuss it...when Kelly gets back from vacation



                  • #10
                    When did this book come out?


                    • #11
                      I'll have to get this one too.

                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        Kris and everyone,

                        I'm ready to start talking about the book. Awesome does not begin to describe this book. I loved how this ordinary man came to a higher sense of self through trials and tribulations--Truly an inspiration for us ordinary folk.

                        Did you notice that there are rabbits and monkeys running throughout the book? Any thoughts on their symbolic interpretation?

                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

