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Stupid White Men by Michael Moore

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  • Stupid White Men by Michael Moore

    This is next on my list..anyone read it yet? It is supposed to be a political commentary on some of the decisions that have been made by politicians that continue hurting middle class americans....The title is a bit provocative....which makes me curious...

    Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!

  • #2 was a bit too provocative. I'm not sure what exactly bothered me the most, but his attitude was sarcastic and biting...I read the whole book and would definately tell anyone to read it provided they could check it out of the library for free

    Moore basically attacks the political decisions in this country (in particular he goes off about the election and the problems in Florida with racism). What I found really interesting is that his research uncovered interesting information that should make anyone pull Katherine Harris out of office immediately. His knowledge of environmental and educational issues was impressive and he supplied the statistics and sources to back up what he was saying.

    Whatever good, solid research was in the book was tainted by things like his "open letter" to George Bush or ridiculous 12 step program for recovery from addiction to violence in yugoslavia :rollyeyes.

    my .02...check this one out of the library!

    Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!


    • #3
      I've long been a fan of Michael Moore's work, and I'll applaud anyone who is exercising their First Amendment rights in these rather scary times, but I thought this one was a mixed bag--I liked some of the stuff about Bush and Cheney, and yes I he does have great knowledge on environmental and educational issues, but good heavens, the "Kill Whitey" chapter???? I guess it only goes to show that the far-lefties can be as irritating and evil as the far-righties. I checked it out of the library, and was glad I hadn't paid anything for it.


      • #4
        stupid white men

        It was a bit over the top in places, wasn't it! I really had to put the book aside several times in order to finish was a provocative read though that left me thinking about my own political opinions....

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

