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Comfort me with Apples by Ruth Reichl

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  • Comfort me with Apples by Ruth Reichl

    I haven't read the first one, but this is the second memoir of Ruth Reichl, who apparently was (still is?) the editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine. I read it for another book club a friend is starting up.

    The book covers the late 70's to ....I think late 80's, and Ruth moves from a communal house in Berkeley to a big house in LA, goes from writing occasional food columns freelance to being the LA Times' food critic, divorces one man and marries another, adopts a child only to have it taken back by the birth parents, meets all sorts of famous people, travels a bit, and eats a *lot* of very fancy food. There are recipies sprinkled throughout of some of the dishes she describes.

    Myself, I had a really hard time relating, throughout. It's set kinda "before my time" (I was around, but I'm young enough so I have trouble relating to pre-AIDS sexual attitudes, for example), and I'm most definitely *not* a "foodie" (I'm a picky eater). For me, it was an interesting glimpse inside a life *completely* unlike my own, but it didn't make me want to try new exotic food or anything.

    Not really my cup of tea, but I can definitely recommend it to the gourmets among us.

    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty