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LOTR: The two Towers

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  • LOTR: The two Towers

    Okay, if you cannot tell by my avatar, I am a LOTR freak and all I can say about this movie is that it Rocks!!! I hate to sound so juvenile so here goes....
    It's a masterful vision of interpretation of Tolkiens second volume of this trilogy with cinematography that is truly inspiring. To miss this one would certainly be a crime, robbing your imagination of the delights that unfold upon the big screen.

    Okay, that being said....This movie truly rocks!!!


  • #2
    I LOVED this movie as well!!! I got the LOTR: The Fellowship of the Rings special extended version dvd for Christmas and have watched that over again (and again) too. I can't believe I have to wait a whole nother year!



    • #3
      We are going to see it this weekend -- my DH LOVES the trilogy and so this movie is a must's only because of scheduling problems that we haven't seen it sooner. So how violent is it? I'm not a big fan of violence in movies...hopefully I can get through the last hour (which I heard was the most violent). I really liked the first one and am looking forward to this one, too.


      • #4
        I never have looked at the LOTR as being violent. I look at them as like I look at movies like Gladiator or The Patriot. The violence is more towards the creatures so I overlook it I guess. Seeing someone get shot numerous times bothers me more than what you see in this movie.



        • #5
          Ok, good. One of the reviews I read talked about the violence but it sounds manageable and not that kind of nasty violence. Thanks!


          • #6
            I think violence is kind of subjective--it depends on what upsets you. LOTR is battle violence, where the good and evil sides are very clear cut. The most violent movie I've seen lately has been "Panic Room". I just could not take that mother and her child being menaced by those horrible men. I think it's one of the first times I've ever contemplated leaving the theatre.

            We were going to see it yesterday (New Year's Day) on the biggest screen in town, but when we got there, half the city had had the same idea, and we took one look at the line and left. We're going to try again on Saturday, during the Green Bay Packer's game (which should keep some of the locals inside). I'm claustrophobic in crowds, so I need a little space around me...



            • #7
              Mike and I made it to The Two Towers on Saturday, and it was AWESOME! I liked it even better than the first one, and had to crack open "The Return of the King" when I got home because I had to remember how it would end (it's been a long time since I read the series--like 23 years). It's truly the most amazing adaptation of a book (or books) that there ever has been, and you can tell that Peter Jackson has a great deal of love for what he's putting up there on the screen.

              We saw it on the biggest screen in the city, and it was definitely worth it--I felt like I was in the middle of the battle scenes! And the New Zeland scenery--WOW.


              • #8
                We also saw it on Saturday and I loved it! My husband also liked it but said it deviated from the book in a bunch of places. New Zealand is so beautiful (he's read all the books a bunch of times). And it wasn't violent in the way I thought it would be.


                • #9
                  I never could figure how they could incorporate the entire second part of the book into a movie. Its filled with a whole lot of things that are not in the movie. It is not truly essential as it gives you a sense of what Sam and Frodo went through to get to Mordor. They are on their last legs in the novel and in the movie they seem lighthearted and spirited in the end, like its a grand old adventure. The book portrays a much darker tone toward the end.



                  • #10
                    We saw it over the weekend and truly- it was fabulous. Now, at the end of the first one, my husband and I were stunned and just stared at each other saying "that's it?!". We couldn't believe that they'd just stopped it- it was so amazing. This time we didn't have that reaction, but I think it's because we knew that they'd leave us hanging for another year.

                    We both loved it.


