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  • Frida

    Wow, this was a great movie. I saw it yesterday and rewatched parts of it this morning. Salma Hayek (sp?) was amazing as Frida. SHe was able to convey this woman's power despite her being in a totally broken body.
    The movie also showed her love for her husband, despite his philandering and her habit of having flings, too.

    Great movie about a great artist.


  • #2
    I saw an interview with Salma a couple of weeks ago and was very impressed. She seems to be a very grounded, funny, intelligent actress with a good head on her shoulders. I'm looking forward to seeing this one - is it out in video yet?


    • #3
      I saw her on Oprah and I really liked her! I want to see the independent film coming out that she directed--I can't remember what it is called.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        We just saw this on DVD -- so it is out.
        We really liked it and I was so impressed by Salma Hayek. I guess I haven't seen that many movies with her in them, but she really stands out as a actor here. And was that Ashley Judd that she danced with?

        Great music and beautiful scenery. After seeing this, we want a house with a courtyard like the one in the movie.


        • #5
          I loved the movie, I saw Selma Hayek's interview with Oprah live in the studio when I visited Chicago, and I am thinking about trying to find a bio on Frida's life to get some more background info. I was an art history major so I am very interested in these two artists (Frida and Diego Rivera). Definitely see it!


          • #6
            I would love to see Oprah!!!!
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              and I am thinking about trying to find a bio on Frida's life to get some more background info
              I never saw the movie, but we read the book upon which it was based. The book is a biography, and quite readable.
              I didn't find her a very sympathetic figure. Kind of self absorbed.
              But it was very fascinating - esp. the Trotsky connections.
              Enabler of DW and 5 kids
              Let's go Mets!


              • #8
                Originally posted by fluffhead
                I didn't find her a very sympathetic figure. Kind of self absorbed.
                But it was very fascinating - esp. the Trotsky connections.
                I didn't get that impression as much from the movie. Maybe the screenplay downplays that to make her a more likeable character? Now that you say that, I could see how some aspects of her personality would make her self-absorbed. If you see the movie, you'll have to give us a comparison!

                The movie seemed to focus more on the experiences and relationships in her life rather than her art and how those experiences influenced her art. I did see how the colors and landscape of the area influenced her but I didn't feel like I had a sense of what motivated her as an artist. There were scenes where people would comment that her art was great, etc, but how was her art different for the time? So, I did enjoy the portrayal of her life, and perhaps it was wise of the writers and director to keep the focus more narrow, but would have liked to know a little more. Definitely a movie worth seeing.

