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Fahrenheit 911

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  • #16
    I completely agree- I can't stand W., my husband can't stand him and we thoroughly enjoyed the movie. There were parts that of course were overly sensationalized but heck- I think the same about Fox News.

    Loved it- but you have to go in with open eyes- this isn't a movie that is going to change the world- as much as MM wanted it to.



    • #17
      I finally saw this--it's been in my house for over a week but I couldn't work up the nerve to watch it because I knew I would just be angry that this man is still in office. I do admit that Moore is extreme in his views, but he brought up a lot of good points that I wish had been stressed more during the last campaign. Bush supposedly won because of his ability to connect with the people, and because of his moral values. In reality, he is an elitist, born with a silver spoon in his mouth who comes from a family that stands to make big bucks off of this war in Iraq. I felt disturbed on so many levels.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #18
        I would have to say that I think that John Kerry, his gulfstream jet, his yachts, his numerous homes and his 10 "Gas Guzzling"SUV's, definately surpasses the Bushs' on the elitst scale.


        • #19
          Originally posted by no1kate
          I would have to say that I think that John Kerry, his gulfstream jet, his yachts, his numerous homes and his 10 "Gas Guzzling"SUV's, definately surpasses the Bushs' on the elitst scale.
          The difference is that he never pretended to be a "good ol boy".
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #20
            I think that Kerry as well as Bush, pretended to be a good ol' boy. Kerry's publically shown hunting trips in Ohio were definately a cry to the average people. Kerry is just as much guilty of the I am a good ol' boy, while still raking in millions and actually living a very elite lifestyle. That is politics. Both sides will try and get as many votes as they can by appealing to the widest range of people. This time in particular it seems as though Bush appealed to more people than Kerry did. Don't worry the pendulum will probably swing your way next time. It is all a game of politics and publicity.



            • #21
              The reality of politics today is that the bottom line is the bottom line. You can't run for office without being loaded. There have been plenty of intriguing candidates on the local and national levels, all of whom eventually have to concede because they can't afford to compete.

              Sucks, but the days of "anyone can be president" are over- unless you're loaded.


