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Star Wars

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  • Star Wars

    Well, in a few hours I'm off to see the new Star Wars movie. I'll tell you how it was!


  • #2
    I liked it - did a good job of showing a likable psycho in the making. It's a good movie!



    • #3
      hehehe...the before and after!

      I've heard some interesting mixed seems like most people either love it or hate it....

      Glad you had a good time...did you go with Jon and leave the kidlets with a sitter?



      • #4
        You know, I can't keep up with the whole Star Wars story line to save my life. Pretty much I watch them for the special effects-entertainment value and because Dave loves them. We saw episode 2 last week. Pretty entertaining, prettier scenery than in any of the other ones. It is a little more of a love story than the past (or future)epsidoes. By the end of it I was getting fidgety, but overall it was a pretty good movie.

        I still don't understand why they made episode 4,5,6 then went back to make the first three. Why start in the middle?



        • #5
          We didn't take the kids with us. I like to screen movies before I let the kids see them unless they are fairly obviously OK (Monsters Inc and Ice Age come to mind). It was wild, though! Jon insists on seeing certain movies on opening day - so we get to sit in packed theaters after waiting in line for hours - FUN (sarcasm). I think the entire Star Wars series is going to be OK for my kids to watch. Jon downloaded a copy off of the net (the latest Star Wars movie, Attack of the Clones) and let the kids watch it. For the last two weeks my son and two older daughters have been running around pretending they are jedis and wielding "light sabers" made out of paper, paper towel holders, and anything else faintly light-saberish. Jon took them out to Home Depot a few days ago and bought a bunch of things to make them "real" light sabers. (sigh) He wants to be a jedi secretly, too.



          • #6
            Rick and one of his buddies stood in line at midnight (both doctors in residency, mind you) to see it the first day it opened. He really liked it. My best friend's brother did some of the special effects (the computer stuff).


