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Man Vs Wild

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  • Man Vs Wild

    I got sucked into one of these late last night on the Discovery Channel. It's this British guy who was in the British Special Services and is trained as a survivalist. He drops himself into the middle of crazy places and has to survive w/only what he has with him. In the episode I watched he jumped out of a helicopter about 2 miles from a random island in the Pacific. He only had a knife strapped to his leg - nothing else. It was really interesting.

    He'd kick some major butt on Survivor. ... =301793941

  • #2
    Yeah that guy is a hottie, but he is not as hardcore as "Survivorman". Survivorman is all alone in the wilderness the Man v. Wild guy has a camera crew.


    • #3
      I saw him in an episode taking place in a forest wilderness area. He will eat some weird stuff.

      He would totally kick butt on Survivor. I'd want him as my Amazing Race partner to eat the weird stuff -- the fish eyeballs and that sort of thing.


      • #4
        I like the show -- we get it in HD so the scenery is pretty darn amazing depending on where he is.

        It keeps reminding me that I'd have been a LOUSY pioneer.

        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


        • #5
          Originally posted by DrWahoo
          Yeah that guy is a hottie, but he is not as hardcore as "Survivorman". Survivorman is all alone in the wilderness the Man v. Wild guy has a camera crew.

          ditto. i like survivor man better.
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #6
            DH & I watched. This guy ate a dead zebra that had obviously been out in the sun and ravaged by other animals for at least a few days before he got to it. GROSS! Now my kids are getting into this show.

            The "dangerous" predicaments he gets into would probably would be more believable if he didn't have a camera crew following him. :huh:


            • #7
              Bear Grylls has a show on the Discovery Channel called "Man VS Wild" where he battles the elements, quickly builds shelter and eats live animals. I mean this bitch makes it look like he can build a Four Seasons out of 3 twigs during a snowstorm.

              Well, sources say that Bear is a big fraud. They say that producers make it look like he's braving it, but when the cameras are turned off Bear checks himself into a luxury hotel.

              Mark Weinhart was hired as a consultant to the show and said that it's mostly fake. He said that in an episode where Bear is supposed to be camping in the mountains and biting the heads off of snakes, he was actually spending nights in a hotel complete with jacuzzi and internet access. In another episode where Bear was supposed to be stranded on a deserted island, he was actually staying in a hotel in Hawaii. HA!

              The Discovery Channel has launched their own investigation to find out the truth! They said, "Discovery Communications has learned that isolated elements of the 'Man vs. Wild' show in some episodes were not natural to the environment, and that for health and safety concerns the crew and host received some survival assistance while in the field," a spokeswoman for the network said. Moving forward the program will be 100 percent transparent and all elements of the filming will be explained up-front to our viewers. In addition, shows that are to be repeated will be edited appropriately."

              Hmmm.....this is upsetting, however he's still a hot piece!
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #8
                I watched him eat maggots out of a fox that had been killed in an avalanche. What he didn't eat, he put in his pocket as bait for the fish he eventually caught through a hole in an iced over lake in the Alps.

                So, if he isn't as tough as survivor man, then who in the *ell is survivor man and what channel is he aired on?


                • #9
                  So, survivor man is aka "Bear"?


                  • #10
                    We've watched this a few times - we like it.
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

