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Anyone else a fan of HBO series?

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  • Anyone else a fan of HBO series?

    I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sopranos, Big Love, and Entourage. HBO has a few new series coming out that I may look into, like John from Cincinnati, and the one about the 2 Aussies living in NYC trying to make it a s a 2 man band. The reason I like HBO shows are 2 fold, 1 they are good, and 2 they re-air at different times and days on the various HBO channels. The same thing goes for PBS. When you are awake late at night nursing a new born, it's the perfect time to watch. I really can't get into network shows because of the kids I don't have the uninterrupted time it requires, and because we have yet to get any type of DVR/TiVo system

  • #2
    We just finished Six Feet Under. We used to watch it on TV but I nixed the expanded cable so we had to wait for the last season on Netflix. I couldn't watch while I was pregnant because it was too emotional. I thought the last season was so-so except for the season finale. DH and me --->


    • #3
      I too was a Six Feet Under and a sometimes Sex in the City viewer. I missed most of the last season of Six Feet Under


      • #4
        Netflix has it! Even if you just watch the final episode, you'll get it without watching the prior year (I think...).


        • #5
          Love Sex and the City and Entourage. HBO has great series.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DrWahoo
            Love Sex and the City and Entourage. HBO has great series.
            I'm glad to see someone else pipe in on Entourage...this show is a total guilty pleasure for me!!!

            Have you seen Adrienne Grenier's( plays Vince) documentary "Shot in the Dark"; He didit before Entourage.
            I saw some of it the other night. It's a quest to figure out who his biological father is.


            • #7
              No I didn't see the documentary. I thought it would be weird for me to see him play enything other than the confident Vince


              • #8
                Entourage came out after we canceled HBO. I'll need to add it to Netflix. Everyone raves about it. I'm definitely a huge fan of SATC, Six Feet Under and Sopranos.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vishenka69
                  Entourage came out after we canceled HBO. I'll need to add it to Netflix. Everyone raves about it. I'm definitely a huge fan of SATC, Six Feet Under and Sopranos.
                  Can you believe Sopranos swan song is tomorrow ?? I am curious to see how it's gonna end!!!! My friend suggested that Tony would see one of his kids killed, but I say "no"...Godfather III did that scene w/Sophia Coppola & Al Pacino.

                  I still can't believe it will all be over soon... it seems that there will not be plans for a major motion pic, because they are killing off so many of the main characters.


                  • #10
                    Ok so was it just me, or did everyone's screen go black & silent as Meadow approached the diner??

