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American Inventor

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  • American Inventor

    DH and I don't usually watch this show but we came across it last night when NOTHING else was on.

    There was one invention that I think was BRILLIANT and hopefully will go a long way. The Guardian Angel was created by a fireman, it is basically a water/hose system that is anchored by a jug of water that looks like a gift under the tree, the hose runs up the trunk of the tree to the angel which is sitting on an upside funnel type attachment. If a tree catches on fire the heat melts the plug and the water is sucked up from the jug and showered down on the tree putting the fire out. He has done very little work at this point because he doesn't have a lot of money but I think if he could make it work its something that every real Christmas tree owner should have.

    Very cool.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    If it can be fine tuned and devloped properly, it could really make a difference. A part of me wonders how much water needs to be in the tank to actullay be effective, dried out x-mas trees go up in furious flames pretty fast.

