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Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee

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  • Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee

    Make it shemi-hoooomaaaaa

    I agree that it is a genius idea.

  • #2
    Something about the way she interacts with children irritates me, too. Like your drunken aunt who's always calling you "sweetie" and wears too much makeup and can never remember what grade you're in.

    And her explaining her "tablescapes" and why each one is uniquely wonderful.

    Ooh, and her sister who's named Kimber. Presumably Kimber Lee. Ack.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      No- it's got to be Kymberleigh...Lee



      • #4
        My Grani loves her show for the simple fact that her things are semi-homemade. But OMG, she drives me crazy!! I try to watch her shows but I just can't get through it. I don't know what it is, she just bugs the heck out od me.


        • #5
          My kids call her the Alcohol lady!!

          Anthony Bourdain so slammed her once on Letterman...he didn't use her name...but still hilarious!


          • #6
            Seriously, who changes their clothes to match their kitchen...I just can't get over this!

            In her defense, I saw her story possibly on VH1? If I remember correctly her father was never in the picture and her mother had an illness and was unable to leave her bed since she was 10. She was the head of her household since she was 10. Paying bills, buying groceries, cooking all of the meals. Kind of an amazing story.


            • #7
              you're totally right Lily - she's rarely sober on the show. it must be a nightmare for the crew / producers to get something coherent.

              i will admit to owning one of her "cookbooks" (aka: taco seasoning & smirnoff ads), and having made a few things. they were okay - but nothing that made me a devotee. and the cookbook was purchased before i ever knew about the show. it was a rec from a friend.

              later that friend also reccomended "Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson. It was at that point I realized she didn't actually "know" me. But I digress ...


              • #8
                Ha....ha....ha. I love Semi-HO made. If I could only party with her....I know too much information. But what a riot!

                ETA: Jen, your friend must be a of Sandra Lee and James Dobson....way too much!!! No cognitive dissonance?


                • #9
                  And reccomending James Dobson to ME? I've never met 90% of you people, and you'd all know not to reccomend Dobson to me.


                  • #10
                    Re: Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee

                    Originally posted by *Lily*

                    Her Kwanzaa cake was one of my favorites. What was the best? The corn nuts sprinkled around it? The canned apple pie filling on the top?

                    Anyone else love to hate Sandra?

                    I hate her show. I think the concept is a good one, but the execution is horrible! Gross. The tablescape thing makes me ill. She is a total lush and completely loopy. I have no idea why she is on the air. I think she must appeal to a few die-hard people out there who think Sandra Lee can teach them how to cook with whipped topping and orange extract.

                    The cleavage and matching napkin rings add in to the mystique of her loopiness. Total trainwreck!

                    I am glad to see TFN is adding a new latin cooking show. I think that's an area that's been lacking. I only hope the host is good! I would love to see other ethnic cuisine based shows hit the air. Maybe one that showcases the best food (and how to cook it) from around the world? The travel ones are getting old. They always highlight the same places (NYC, anyone?) and don't show enough of how to prepare the food they are telling you is so yummy. Thanks, I love watching you eat...drool.

                    Wow, that got off tangent. Anyway, I think TFN needs some programming help, but Sandra Lee should be the first chef booted off the air. If you look at her recipe reviews, she has not one single 5 star recipe. Not one. And, I should be taking cooking advice from her?
                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #11
                      Heidi, do you ever watch Rick Bayless on PBS?


                      • #12
                        Nellie, no, I haven't. Should I be? What time is it on?
                        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                        • #13
                          In my best TV announcer voice: Check your local listings.

                          I'm not sure what show he has on. He is the chef/owner with his wife at two Chicago restaurants -- Topolobampo and Frontera. He has at least two cookbooks: Mexico One Plate at a Time and Authentic Mexican.

                          The dude is high on life but once you get past that his enthusiasm is genuine and admirable and becomes less distracting.



                          • #14
                            I'm going to Chicago this weekend. Should I try to go to one of those restaurants??


                            • #15
                              She can't possibly make anything good if she's that thin. She's seriously a twig, so I don't believe she tastes or eats anything she actually makes.

