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grey's Anatomy

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  • grey's Anatomy

    ok, so I've never been a Grey's Anatomy watcher until now. Lifetime has three hours of old ones on a night and with my husband MIA at school, I've been watching a lot of it. Its actually pretty damn scary. Please tell me its a fictional story and not representative of a surgical residency program!! Marriages fall apart daily, everyone is sleeping with everyone in the call room, and no one ever seems to go home!!!

  • #2
    I don't know about people sleeping with everyone in the call room, though I don't think it happens all that often if at all. What cracks me up about the show is how they only had ONE Cardiothoracic Surgeon, ONE Neurosurgeon, and pretty much one of everything. You never see them working with colleagues in their own specialty and they're always at the hospital. No wonder, since they're the only ones who can get the job done. Also, unless they're a trauma surgery program, why are they always dealing with emergencies? Do they really not have an EM department? My point is you shouldn't take it seriously. It's a TV show and not very representative of the medical lifestyle. Someone feel free to disagree.

    As for marriages falling apart, that has been true in my experience. Of the 6 married couples that DH started med school with, 3 are already divorced or in the process of getting divorced, 2 not doing very well, and I'm not so sure about the 6th one (both students so they might be different).
    Last edited by MissCrabette; 12-21-2009, 11:54 AM. Reason: I forgot about one couple.
    IM PGY-2


    • #3
      I don't really watch and have no idea about the accurateness, but my MIL makes an interesting point with respect to Grey's and similar shows. She is always cautioning DH "to be careful -- because people see this on TV and think doctors just want to fall into broom closets with their pants down all day." I think most people understand this is fiction, but at the same time, I'm inclined to agree that to the extent this idea of the hospital as a sexually-charged environnment pervades popular culture, our spouses do have to be careful about the signals they give off.


      • #4
        On of my friends actually asked recently if GA was anything like real life. I said that I don't know a single person who has even half as much sex in residency as the characters do. She was surprised to learn that. I think if there really was a surgical residency program where all the residents just ate, drank and had sex, we'd know about it. In my experience after working, studying and attending to bodily functions there isn't much time for sleep let alone recreational activities.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vishenka69 View Post
          On of my friends actually asked recently if GA was anything like real life. I said that I don't know a single person who has even half as much sex in residency as the characters do. She was surprised to learn that. I think if there really was a surgical residency program where all the residents just ate, drank and had sex, we'd know about it. In my experience after working, studying and attending to bodily functions there isn't much time for sleep let alone recreational activities.

          Amen. Its a lucky night when J and I actually go OUT. If we stay up till 10, its a late night.

          I joke with J that he has had a few GA moments. When he was on trauma he has had some crazy things come in like a decapitation by bus, and some "famous" people. But that's as close as it gets to GA. For the most part he is filling out paper work and dealing with patients. Then he comes home, watches some tv while eating food and then goes to sleep and starts all over again the next day. Oh and on GA they get there when the sun is out. I'm not sure the last time J saw the sun now that its winter and he definately never sees the sun before work since he gets there about five am, if not earlier.

          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


          • #6
            So apparently "Scrubs" was rated as the most accurate medical show by doctors--DF told me, don't know where he heard it.

            I hate GA. I used to follow Private Practice, but that show is just as bad. At list point almost every character in the practice has slept with the other. It's getting old. I also hate Kate Walsh now because of it.
            Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
              So apparently "Scrubs" was rated as the most accurate medical show by doctors--DF told me, don't know where he heard it.
              I would agree. Granted a lot is exaggerated but the stuff is pretty true. My fav is still the first episode when J.D. is rounding and is asked a question. All of the sudden he has antlers on and is in the middle of a road with headlights coming towards him. Then Elliot is asked a question and you see her dropping bricks. The first season was also DH's intern year - I guess that is why I found so many parallels.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • #8
                We used to watch ER, and DH would constantly talk back to the TV about all the inaccuracies. Everyone who came into the ER just stayed there all day - no one was ever admitted to another floor.

                And really, most health care personnel are normal, ordinary people. And some of the real life doctors and nurses are not very attractive at all, compared to ALL TV doctors and nurses.


                • #9
                  Miss Crabette

                  That's depressing! That many divorced? I hope and pray that I do not fall into that category.

                  I do think that the show is a little out there. It seems like no one has a problem with the marriages falling apart and no one seems to care about the casual sex with everyone.

                  I've never seen Scrubs. Is it any good?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lacy View Post
                    That's depressing! That many divorced? I hope and pray that I do not fall into that category.

                    I've never seen Scrubs. Is it any good?

                    The divorce rate of medical marriages can be disturbing, but if you think about it, a lot of marriages fall into "risky" categories. (Children of divorced parents, age of couple when they marry, education level, etc.) You can get caught up in statistics, but what really determines the survival of your marriage is you and your DH finding what works for you. And this comes from a very happily married-for-9-year woman with some pretty major statistical risks!

                    Next question - I love Scrubs! I haven't seen all the episodes, but it's really good. I think the series is over, but I'm sure you can find reruns of it, or rent old seasons. Highly recommend!
                    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post

                      Next question - I love Scrubs! I haven't seen all the episodes, but it's really good. I think the series is over, but I'm sure you can find reruns of it, or rent old seasons. Highly recommend!

                      Nope, not over. This season has lost a lot of the old cast and has many new characters but the two main guys are still there. J was so excited when this season started and they fixed the xray in the beginning (it had been backwards). I am actually really enjoying the new cast. Its still as weird and funny as ever. J just loves it. I really only watch it bc he does. Its on Tuesday nights on ABC, actually its new tonight.

                      Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                      Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                      Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                      • #12
                        Oh good! We watched the season finale last year, and I think they were still in negotiations, so we were thinking it would also be the series finale. So glad they're making new episodes!
                        My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                        • #13
                          Scrubs is a great show! I'm liking the new season, even without a lot of the old favorites in the cast.

                          I stopped watching grey's. It was just too out there for me.
                          Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


                          • #14
                            None of our divorced friends are in medicine and all ended up divorced because they married too young. I don't know if medical divorce rates are that much higher than national average. It might just seem that way because majority of our social circle is in medicine.

