I forgot - I collect National Geographic magazines. I started subscribing over four years ago and have kept the vast majority of my magazines (I'm missing a few - probably the result of moves).
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What do you collect? and why, if you know!
Cool, I still have many concert tickets. Bob Dylan is probably the one I have the most of. My favorite goup to see was probably Pink Floyd.
wife, mother, nurse practitioner
"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)
Ok, now we're totally off subject here but if any of you get the chance to see Billy Joel and Elton John's new tour "face to face"- GOOOOOOOO
It was fabulous.
Santana's new tour is f-ing amazing as well (and the contact high was nice!) of course the fact that we had 12th row floor seats didn't hurt.
And Jewel was quite nice as well.
and that is the sum of the shows we saw in February.
so, I guess, my new answer is that I collect experiences!
well since we're off topic, we have been out together ONCE since the baby was born (I mean together alone) and that was to see bela fleck - I've seen them many many times, and found this show somewhat lacking - same old stuff, routine.
we really need to get the baby used to a babysitter - she's now 14 months and that's the one time we left her alone (at 3 months).
first time paranoid parents.Enabler of DW and 5 kids
Let's go Mets!
I used to go to concerts all the time - Pearl Jam, Lenny Kravitz, Information Society (don't laugh), Concrete Blonde, Souxe and the Banshees, the Cure, Tori Amos and many local Dallas groups among many others (Course of Empire was particularly good - they had this really great Nine Inch Nails thing going on - and they had TWO drummers). sigh - I haven't been to a concert in about two years! And, that last one I realized how old I've gotten!I got tired halfway through, the sound was too noisy for my ears and the smell of cigarettes, sweat, gonja, and beer just about made me vomit.
I probably won't go to one again unless its more tame - like the Gypsy Kings perhaps. 8)
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass