Banjos Attention! Banjos Begin! Our lawn is soooo overgrown and we have a toilet sitting in the driveway. Must do something about this situation. I'm going to see if I can give the toilet away on Craigslist.
In doing so, I found this post.
I can't beat this.
In doing so, I found this post.

We are giving away for free a vintage American Standard super flush 3000. This is the best toilet you will ever own! It flushes, it gushes, it will take care of those late night tacos. What would you pay for a toilet that could cure world hunger? A million dollars? Sure but this one doesn't do that, so we are giving it away for free to the next lucky caller. So call I. In front of house at . Pick it up before the next person gets this revolutinary state of the art machine.