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Top 10 Things you may not know about my spouse/BF/GF/SO

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  • Top 10 Things you may not know about my spouse/BF/GF/SO

    Hey, they should get in on the action, right?

    For my husband:

    1. Born and raised in Florida. Both parents went to FSU and so did he despite acceptance into several Ivy League schools.

    2. Was an altar boy growing up but if you asked him now, he'd just say, "Oh, yea, I'm going straight to hell..."

    3. Went to med school at UT Southwestern in Dallas and was in their MD/PhD program. Got his PhD in Immunology.

    4. Currently doing a Heme/Onc fellowship after having completed his Peds residency here in Salt Lake City.

    5. Favorite band is Jane's Addiction.

    6. Owns about a 1000 cds. I am not kidding. They should be insured.

    7. One of the smartest people in the world, I think he'll be famous one day, but is also very emotionally intelligent. He can tell if someone is upset without having even talked to them.

    8. Loves lobster, beef wellington, pork rinds, good coffee, and beer.

    9. Lives and loves FSU football, go figure.

    10. Climbed Mount Olympus (over 9500 ft tall) our first summer in SLC and just about killed himself.

  • #2
    OK this sounds like fun:

    1) He has two older sisters, one younger sister, two half sisters and one step-brother. (It's more of a family vine than a tree)

    2) He is the Pied Piper with animals and small children

    3) He enlisted in the Army at age 18 and was Airborne- (82nd Airborne) for two years before doing a stateside swap and becoming "Radar O'Reilly".

    4) He graduated from UCSB (University of California at Santa Barbara) after receiving two AA degrees from his local community college.

    5) He has had pierced ears since 1983. (The Army doesn't know that though!)

    6) He considered going for a career in professional baseball but decided he wanted more of a mental challenge.

    7) He is really shy, except when he's around his patients and their parents- then he blossoms.

    8) My staff refer to him as "Dr. Fineass".

    9) He has the biggest sweet tooth in the world. He always has tons of candy -everywhere- office, car, home, lunch bag, etc.

    10) He is a big softy but doesn't look like it or act like it!!! (unless he's with kids- see #7!)



    • #3
      1. He was a music major in undergrad and is a seriously good tenor (he's even won competitions!)

      2. If he hadn't gone to med school, he would have gone to grad school in music theory and composition.

      3. He is one of three boys, his Dad was one of three boys, and his Grandpa was one of three boys. (Yes, we have three boys. )

      4. He can do a dead-on impression of the character that Steve Martin pretends to be (Ruprickt) in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels".

      5. His brothers refer to him as "the good son" and then laugh maniacally....I think he came out smelling like a rose many times when he should have gotten in trouble.

      6. He LOVES to go to movies.

      7. He swam competitively from the age of 6 through college and has the shoulders to prove it.

      8. He finds it hard to sit still.

      9. He can clean anything faster than I can -- but without the "pretty touches"!

      10. He is initially pretty shy and you have to know him VERY well before he reveals that he is insanely funny -- so if any of you ever meet him, DON'T let on that you know the truth!

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        My bf:

        1. is tall and thin with fair eyes/complexion/hair and a quiet, serious, kind disposition.

        2. is not a big drinker but is a connoisseur of beers--microbrews, homebrews, international stuff, etc.

        3. is a distance runner by nature, but has been lapsed from that religion ever since he started med school. He's just now starting to get back into it.

        4. loves the Appalachian Trail and has hiked several hundred miles of it total. He's planning to do another stretch this spring break.

        5. has been financially independent since the age of 17 and completely put himself through undergrad and everything since then.

        6. loves cats to a degree usually only found in lonely old ladies.

        7. is best friends with his brother.

        8. loves movies--particularly big cheesy blockbusters, kids' movies, horror flicks, and indie films.

        9. has been in both the army (enlisted) and the navy reserves (commissioned officer) but is currently not participating in either.

        10. has been the best man in three different weddings.
        Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
        Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

        “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
        Lev Grossman, The Magician King


        • #5
          1. He's a Pacific Islander.
          2. Even though he was born on an island, he is allergic to bananas and shellfish.
          3. He has a really nice singing voice.
          4. He is an amazing dancer.
          5. He has traveled all over the world, unlike myself.
          6. He loves to camp and used to take camping trips by himself for 9 days or more.
          7. He snores when he is drunk or really tired.
          8. He is a very good handy-man and remodeled our entire kitchen (gutted it completely) all by himself.
          9. He would rather spend the day shopping with me than watching any kind of sport on TV.
          10. He was going bald so he decided to shave his head several years ago. He has had people tell him he looks like Tiger Woods and Yule Brenner from "The King and I".
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            What a FUN IDEA!

            This is so neat to read!

            1. Thomas was born in a little mountain village in Germany (explains a lot! 8) )

            2. He worked in Africa for several months during medical school doing ob and primary care.

            3. His dream had always been to be a history teacher. He still talks about going back to school and studying history. He can tell you anything that you probably never really wanted to know Seriously, I've never met anyone who knows so much information about so many things. It is intimidating.

            4. He doesn't really like to drive...and because he doesn't drive often he...well, isn't that good at it so...he usually lets me drive.

            5. He is so organized that when he gets a letter he immediately uses the three ring punch to put holes in it and then places it in order in his three ring binder

            6. He has a huge collection of funny ties.....(he owns more ties than I own...well, anything!!) They have to be silk and they have to have some really funny kind of pictures/cartoons on them. You wouldn't guess this when you meet him because he seems so serious.

            7. He served in the germany military for a mandatory 18 months after completing highschool....and was....thrown in the brink for telling an officer that he was an idiot 8O He doesn't really...follow orders very well!

            8. Is addicted to NETFLIX....he spends a lot of time rating the movies that he's checked out and adjusting our list of movies to have sent to us.

            9. He eats chocolate like it's going out of a little skinny's infuriating!

            10. He collects books by Karl May and also has a rather rare version of "Mein Kampf" (historical purposes only ).
            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              This is fascinating!

              1. His car radio is almost permanently fixed on eighties station.
              2. Loves distance cycling--used to log a couple hundred miles a week. When he first met my brother who has an uncanny resemblance to three time Tour de France winner Greg Lemond he knew that I was the girl for him.
              3. Loves his blue collar roots: rarely seen in anything other than sweats or scrubs, despises golf, is a beer and burger type of guy, and thinks that Fleet and Farm and Walmart are perfectly appropriate places to buy professional attire.
              4. Played club hockey at Purdue.
              5. Has a mechanical engineering degree from Purdue and a Masters in Human Anatomy from Wright State.
              6. Was in Navy ROTC his first year of college until he had shoulder surgery from a hockey mishap.
              7. Wears a bridge for a missing tooth.
              8. Although he would vehemently deny this, I believe that he has seen every episode of Little House on the Prairie.
              9. Is a WWII history buff.
              10. Loves James Bond and owns the complete video collection.
              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Very interesting....
                1) My wife, Gretchen, was born in Omaha, Neb

                2) Is convinced that she has the middle child complex, she has an older sister and a younger brother.

                3) Has never in her life lived anywhere longer than 5 years...her father was career Air Force and moved every 4yrs

                4) She actually lived 50 miles from me in high school, even though we didn't meet until 1997

                5) She did one under-grad year at Kansas State (and can barely remember it!) after that year, she moved to live with her parents in Seattle and finished under-grad at UW with a degree in Cellular & Molecular Biology, with honors (sounds doctor-ish doesn't it!)

                6) Moved to Tulsa, OK and became a doctor in 2000.

                7) She was the scariest thing I have ever seen when she gave birth to our son...deep concentration, and veins bulging out of her forehead!

                8- Loves to read anything, except medical journals

                9) Is going into the Air Force as a pediatrician after completion of residency...has always had strong ties with her father.

                10) Is given a hard time by collegues for being able to help newborns/moms with breatfeeding....they call it "Dr. Black's feeding class" when she comes into do newborn check-ups!

                I could go on and on....


                • #9
                  I love this thread!

                  1. My husband, Joel has lived in Argentina and is fluent in spanish.

                  2. He was captain of the swim team all through high school and owned his own retail swim shop.

                  3. He grew up by the mountains in UT but wants to live in Mexico or Hawaii

                  4. He LOVES to go to the movies and will see almost anything no matter how dumb it is.

                  5. He is a picky eater. It's hard to get him to try new foods but usually IF he does he likes them. His favorite food is probably barbecue ribs.

                  6. He says he dream job (had he not got into Medical school) would've been a jet fighter pilot, drummer in a rock band or a race car driver.

                  7. He can go almost days without sleep and hates to miss out an anything. SO opposite from me. I LOVE sleep!

                  8. He is a first year medical student.

                  9. He is a romantic and loves to do things for me to help me out no matter how stressed he may be.

                  10. He wants 5 or 6 kids 8O


                  • #10
                    ooohhh! This is fun...

                    Here are Jay's "fun" traits :

                    (1) Jay was born in a coal-mining town in NE Pennsylvania

                    (2) He is the first in his family to go to college, let alone get an advanced degree

                    (3) He doubled majored in Molecular Biology & Philosophy in college

                    (4) He has dark blond hair and the most beautiful green eyes

                    (5) He is a fourth year med student graduating on May 23, 2003.

                    (6) He wants to someday become a neurologist - specializing in either Stroke or Epilepsy

                    (7) His favorite movies are "The Matrix" and "Gladiator"

                    (8.) His favorite artists are Paul Simon, Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews Band

                    (9) He is an avid reader and loves especially reading Camus & Kafka

                    (10) He is the oldest amongst three siblings - and acts every inch the eldest child. (Of course, sometimes, taking on too much responsibility)

                    and (11) he is a HUGE Penn St. fan



                    • #11
                      This is an extremely difficult topic not to get sucked into.....

                      My husband:

                      1. Is Mexican-American. His mother immigrated from Acuna, Mexico to go to school and met his father who was a blue-eyed blonde Air Force pilot from Kansas.

                      2. Was in the Texas Boys Choir as a boy and sang all over the country (still sings beautifully despite having gone through puberty).

                      3. Was homeschooled as a by-product of his mother working intensively with his older brother who was severly brain-injured (doctors at the time said he would always be in an infantile state - she got him up to a pre-school level!).

                      4. Ultimately had eight kids in the family - seven boys and one girl.

                      5. Lost his father, two of his three older brothers (including his brain-injured brother) and his only sister in a car accident when he was 13. His mother was the only one to survive the wreck. She was a couple of months pregnant with the last son at the time. My husband became that son's surrogate father (especially after their mother had to go to work as a janitor to support their family after the accident) and the brothers remain very, very close.

                      6. Started college at the age of 16 at the Texas Academy of Math and Science Program at the University of North Texas.

                      7. Met and married me in college. He was a pizza-boy, I was a veterinarian assistant. He was 19, I was 20.

                      8. Started medical school with a wife and child as the second to youngest person in his class at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He joined the Air Force immediately before med school and is proud to be an Air Force officer. He thinks of it as continuing his father's legacy and likes the idea of serving others (in this instance, his nation).

                      9. Is in his second year of his rads residency and kicking around the idea of going into a sub-specialty such as neuro interventional radiology (crazy man :P ).

                      10. Is heavily into computer graphic/design. He was a computer consultant part time during undergrad and medical school. He designed the majority of the special effects for his medical school's senior year film. Hopes to one day be able to apply his talent and skills to something truly "big" such as a major motion picture. If he weren't a doctor he'd be working for George Lucas.
                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                      • #12
                        This is just the coolest thread...

                        About my husband:

                        1. Is a Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy. Got out in 2000, going back into the Reserves eventually.

                        2. Does the funniest, horrifying Southern accent, which, unfortunately, sounds a lot like Ross Perot.

                        3. LOVES to clean, and packs everything for both of us when we travel.

                        4. Favorite drink is an Amaretto Sour.

                        5. The happiest time of his life was when he was a Battalion Surgeon with the Marines at Camp Lejeune, NC. He did a 6 month deployment to the Mediterranean with them, leading to his famous quote: "Hi! I'm in Rome, again." He got to dangle on a line under an airborne helicopter, shoot howitzers and drive tanks. (Good thing the XO didn't find out.)

                        6. He's the "good child" and the oldest of 3 boys, each almost exactly a year apart. (No wonder his mother is such a freak.) His brothers are selfish and spoiled, but his parents like them better. Go figure.

                        7. He would have been right at home in the 19th Century. Would have liked the sense of honor, probably the duelling, and he writes letters that sound like they came out of something by Jane Austen.

                        8. A total gadget freak. Gets very excited when the Sharper Image catalog comes in the mail.

                        9. Complete, unrepentant workaholic (but is pretending to be interested in learning how to relax.)

                        10. Has an outstanding color sense--great at picking out paint colors, and very helpful at figuring out what clothes I look good in, although he'd rather be tortured than shop.



                        • #13
                          My husband...

                          1. Was born in Paris... Missouri, that is.

                          2. Is the middle of three boys. Although, he doesn't act like Jan Brady, he does display the middle-child traits of being a people pleaser and is the closest child to his parents and both brothers.

                          3. Moved five times before settling in Northern Illinois in 4th grade.

                          4. Wrote a list of things he wanted in life while in the 5th grade including a house with a white picket fence, two dogs, a nice wife and five kids. I don't think the five kids part is going to come true.

                          5. Had a crush on Laura Ingalls growing up. I still catch him watch episodes of "Little House on the Prarie.

                          6. His favorite book is "Where the Red Fern Grows". He insists on getting a yellow lab named Old Dan and a brown lab named Little Anne.

                          7. Dated only brunettes until he met his future wife. He told my mom who introduced us he thought he would get married at 22, then 25, then 28. He finally married at age 31.

                          8. Is a huge sports nut playing three sports in high school and some college basketball. When watching games on TV he moves like he is on the field or court. He is a die hard Notre Dame football fan. I thought a couple times over the last few years he may have a heart attack during the games.

                          9. Originally, he planned on being a med tech, but ultimately decided a lab was not his calling. If medicine wasn't his profession, he would have been a teacher/coach. Sometimes he dreams of abandoning his job for manual labor.

                          10. Can be seen in our living room (with the shades closed) dancing and singing to the Wiggles with our 15 month old daughter while in his underwear.


                          • #14
                            Fun! Here's the "dirt" on Frank:

                            1. He's from Northeast Philly and is the oldest of three. He's the first in his family to go to college.
                            2. He's Frank IV (with middle name and last name). I joke with him about not wanting to name our first-born son (if that happens with us!) Frank V.
                            3. He's a house dj. He plays out at least 2-3 times a month.
                            4. He was a "band geek" in college and played the trumpet.
                            5. His favorite food is pizza. His favorite thing for me to cook for us is tacos or pizza.
                            6. He knew he wanted to go to med school since he was a kid.
                            7. He's an early riser even when he hasn't had much sleep the night before.
                            8. Both went to University of Pennsylvania undergrad, but we didn't know each other when we were there (I'm also 3 years older than him).
                            9. He quit smoking last year about a month before me.
                            10. Played ice hockey. Just joined the roller hockey team at school.


                            • #15
                              About Matt-
                              1- is the oldest of 6 kids, there is 15 year difference between him and his youngest sister

                              2- He was born with a hand deformity- his hand was stuck in the placenta when he was born. Most people don't notice, but he is missing his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd digits (the bone structure is there in the hand), and his thumb and pinkie finger are present but are kind of scrunched. He usually keeps his left hand in his pocket. Despite all of this he can perform all 5 functions of the hand, and is doing into anesthesia. He amazes me!

                              3- He has no undergraduate student loans- he put himself through with scholarships and working part-time jobs.

                              4- He served a mission for the LDS church in Amsterdam, Netherlands for 2 years, and is fluent in Dutch. I am currently teaching him French, because he wants Emma to learn as well.

                              5- He is a 1st Lt in the US Air National Guard, but is unhappy about it.

                              6- He plays the trumpet and was a band geek in High School- was on every group there was- jazz band, marching band, concert band, etc.

                              7- Grew up in a town of 7000 in Wyoming, and was Valedictorian of his graduating class.

                              8- Initially wanted to be an engineer, but upon returning from the Netherlands decided to go pre-med instead.

                              9- received his Bachelor's degree AFTER his 1st year of medical school. When he applied to med school he was applying for "practice" not expecting to get in on the first try. He turned his application in for graduation at Utah State. Well it came back denied and stated he was missing 2 classes- Economics and Music. He said to heck with it, I am going to med school. We got married, and he decided he wanted to have that "piece of paper" to show his posterity he completed college. So he took the two classes via correspondence, and received it (Mathematics with a double minor in Stats and Dutch).

                              10- He loves Emma, myself and our unborn child more than anything- he dreads being on-call, because it means he has to be away from the most important people in his life.
                              Gas, and 4 kids

