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  • Today, we announced our pregnancy to the world -- first to about 100 people via our temple newsletter, then on Facebook. I've felt sick all day but it's nice to have people excited for me.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • I survived! Our dentist was great and examined all three kids quickly, first, then cleaned DD so we could leave, and finished up the little kids. DD is getting her tonsils out! I thought I had prepped her, but the poor girl started crying. She doesn't want me to tell DH she's scared. I feel so bad for her. I'm a little scared, too.
      Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


      • Originally posted by Deebs View Post
        I survived! Our dentist was great and examined all three kids quickly, first, then cleaned DD so we could leave, and finished up the little kids. DD is getting her tonsils out! I thought I had prepped her, but the poor girl started crying. She doesn't want me to tell DH she's scared. I feel so bad for her. I'm a little scared, too.
        How old is she? Poor thing, I know that must be scary. Did you need the nanny?
        Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
        "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


        • She's seven, but a very big worrier. I did need the nanny. She stayed with the younger two for their cleanings and then brought them home while I was at the ENT. She's still here helping me get the kids bathed and to bed. It's awesome!
          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


          • Today my allergies are making me miserable.

            Today I take O to a really cool spray park we've never been to.
            Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


            • Today is the first day of school! I still get teary eyed when I see all the bright-eyed/bushy tailed MS1s. have such an optimistic view of medicine again.

              Today, I also feel old. I realize that I could have given birth to this class of Ms1s.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • Originally posted by medpedspouse View Post
                Today is the first day of school! I still get teary eyed when I see all the bright-eyed/bushy tailed MS1s. have such an optimistic view of medicine again.

                Today, I also feel old. I realize that I could have given birth to this class of Ms1s.
                Heh. I hit that point several years ago. Thankfully, we weren't QUITE that much older than DH's classmates, but it was close. I was in HS when his youngest classmates were born. :P
                Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                • Today, K1 had a lunch date. A couple days ago he came to me with a fully-formed plan. He wanted to have the daughter of a family friend over for a picnic. He'd serve "strawberries, yogurt, apples, grapes, and milk but no vegetables." When I told him that his little friend likes vegetables, he modified his menu to include tomatoes. "After lunch, we'll run through the sprinklers and play tag. But if it rains, we'll have the picnic on the front porch and no sprinklers or tag." I told him that he had to call the girl's mother to ask if it was okay. We called, he asked, it was okay. This morning, K1 woke up early and started pestering me to prepare for the picnic. It was sunny out but he asked me to move his picnic table to the front porch anyway "because it's cooler there." He had me check to make sure the sprinkler worked. He washed the strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes. He cut up the strawberries himself with a plastic knife. Then he paced the floor for two hours agonizing, "Why is she soooo late? What's taking her so long? Is she coming? Is that her at the door?"

                  He was relieved and delighted when she showed up in her princess cape. He rushed to show her his dragon costume while her mom and I set the table for their picnic. During lunch, he served her food and acted silly trying to entertain her. When we were done, everyone helped me clear the table and the kids changed into their swimsuits for the "running through the sprinklers" portion of the date. She didn't care much for getting wet but she was happy to play tag with him. Unfortunately, K2's teacher called just the kids were heading out to the back yard and asked me to pick him up "because he's just not being himself. . . probably coming down with something." *sigh* I ended up leaving K1 and his date with the girl's mother while I ran to the school to pick up K2.

                  I was hoping that I'd be able to sneak K2 into his bed without him noticing that K1 was entertaining. The stinker noticed the strange car in our driveway and asked about it. I got him into his bed just long enough for K1 and his friend to come inside, change clothes, and go back to the porch for more strawberries. Then K2 came out. K1 introduced him to his friend, "Friend, this is my brother, K2." K2 seemed happy to see her and gave her a hug but then became uncharacteristically angry when she played with his toys. K2 was yelling at her and hitting her. K1 was shielding her with his body and comforting her when she cried. K2 spent the rest of her visit in his room.

                  When the girl left, she gave K1 a hug and kiss and told him, "Thank you for being such a nice friend today." He hugged her back and thanked her for coming. It was really sweet (excepting the part where his brother crashed the date and began acting like a jerk).
                  Last edited by MrsK; 07-31-2013, 02:51 PM.
                  Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                  • Omg. Heart melted. So sweet!!!
                    I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                    • MrsK your kids are a riot!! I mean how does he know how to behave like such a gentleman on a date at, what, 3 years old?? Sounds like K1's friend had a lovely time being wined and dined
                      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                      • Originally posted by niener View Post
                        MrsK your kids are a riot!! I mean how does he know how to behave like such a gentleman on a date at, what, 3 years old?? Sounds like K1's friend had a lovely time being wined and dined

                        He's 3y7m and absolutely girl-crazy. She's his #1 girl though. He's told me that he cannot be friends with any other girls because he's friends with her. Gosh, he's going to be heartbroken when we move away and he cannot see her all the time.
                        Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                        • So sweet, MrsK!
                          Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


                          • The gas company has 30 minutes to show up, do a re-read, and not charge me more than DOUBLE for my useage last billing cycle. -.-
                            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                            Professional Relocation Specialist &
                            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                            • Today we got A's class list - she got the teacher I wanted her to have (yay!) but she will only know one other little girl and one other little boy in her class of 20 and her little friend that has decided the change schools in the last few weeks would have been in her class. (Of course that may mean we get the little boy that was first on the waitlist, if he still is, who she also knows).
                              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                              • Today I was in a training called "Crucial Conversations." We had to pair up with partners and practice our new "skills" with the partner pretending to respond the best they could to the person practicing.

                                My partner's example "Crucial Conversation" was an ongoing conversation with his wife. The background is he wants to replace the tile in part of their house and they aren't on the same page. I was supposed to play the wife. I had no context other than what he gave me above.

                                Him: "I think we really need to do this for resale value. I know you don't like the black color I chose, but I think it is the best for long term resale"

                                Me: "I don't think you have been truly listening to why I don't like black. I'm responsible for keeping it clean and black is just too hard with kids and pets."

                                I had no idea if he had kids/pets, I just went with what I would say. But apparently I was spot on to what she has been saying. I love it.

                                Besides, I think black tile is outdated and too 80s...(I didn't tell him that). I told him to consider woodlook ceramic
                                Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.

