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  • This is probably a better perspective. He's a 150 lb M'Loot (giant) malamute. He can counter-surf while still sitting and is eye-to-eye with my 6'3" DH when on his back legs.


    • I love love love big dogs. They're just giant snuggle buddies
      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


      • Awwww! I bet he missed his family!
        Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


        • He's now cuddling with us.

          Yup, he's happy to be back with his fam.


          • He's so beautiful!!
            Married to a peds surgeon attending


            • Aww! That's a happy mallie.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
              Professional Relocation Specialist &
              "The Official IMSN Enabler"


              • He makes me want to jump through the screen for a cuddle too!! He's gorgeous!
                Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                • Mojo worked! We got it down to 3 piers, which dropped the price $500. Yay!
                  My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                  • Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
                    Mojo worked! We got it down to 3 piers, which dropped the price $500. Yay!

                    Yay! That's awesome!!


                    • Woohoo LM!! I'd say all in all it was quite a successful day
                      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                      • Today I can't think straight.
                        Today, my 8 yo is driving me insane. I can't take her anywhere because she hurt her shoulder at gymnastics camp.
                        Today, we are no longer upside down in our house and it was appraised with equity!
                        Today, I found out I have poison ivy
                        Today, I found out our neighbor (who I requested not to get) is going to be the IA in my daughter's kindergarten class.
                        Today, its around noon and I keep thinking it must be 5 o'clock somewhere.
                        Last edited by Phoebe; 08-10-2012, 10:29 AM.


                        • Today our stuff is arriving in Califormua and DH is handling all of the unpacking/instructing of movers. Yes, this is VERY hard for me and my OCD tendencies and control freak tendencies.

                          Today I'm hoping hoping hoping that the tech finishes installing the new engine in our suburban so we can leave tomorrow for CA in our own car.

                          Today I'm putting off packing and doing laundry.

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • OMG, he's beautiful, DD!
                            married to an anesthesia attending


                            • Today, I have exhaused all my toddler entertainment reserves and DrK is on call (gone) the entire weekend. Right now, the boys are playing with a pile of rocks in the back yard and I'm hovering over them with reminders not to eat or throw rocks.

                              Today, our sketchy neighbor invited us over for a housewarming party. Think he was hoing I'd say people could park on our drive way (they can't. DrK will be home late and will need to be able to get out if called). Weirdo made a sacastic joke about having juice for the kiddos who are clearly not welcome. Someday, he'll have kids. in
                              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                              • Today I made the mistake of confusing star trek and star wars. Now dh is showing a marathon of star wars with his commentary. Oh joy.
                                Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.

