Hey all! My cousin started this Pay it Forward flashmob. It happens tomorrow and I thought many of our iMSNers might like to participate. No dancing required! Read about it below (he already has over 100k people around the world saying they plan to participate!!!):
So this is an unusual type of flash mob, no singing and no dancing, and here's how it works:
At 4 p.m Eastern time (3 Central, 2 Mountain, 1 Pacific, 12 Alaska 10 Hawaii and any time that day in the rest of the world... on Saturday, October 11 stop whatever you're doing and pay it forward. That simple. Maybe buy someone a coffee...or gas..or groceries..big or small, let's have an event where all over the world, we are paying it forward at the same time. However, if you are NOT able to make it in that time frame, ANY TIME on October 11 will be great. This is going viral, around the world...So again anyone who can't make the time listed above do any time October 11 in your country.
This pay it forward event crosses the world...includes everyone...of all beliefs, backgrounds and cultures. Kindness has only one language...love.
For those who accept the invite: please click join...then
Invite others, as many as you want...
Look for the command and we all pay it forward at same time...The command for all of us to start will be "Let's Go make a Difference..."
Post your results after on Facebook.. Post any comments here on this group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/644430895671499/
If you find that you are receiving errors when inviting others, try a few hours later please...spam blockers periodically block invites when thousands are going out for same event. Or, simply copy and paste the event link to your facebook page. Thanks!!!!
Also quick reminder: Remember to send invite only to those you would believe would have a desire to attend. Thanks
So this is an unusual type of flash mob, no singing and no dancing, and here's how it works:
At 4 p.m Eastern time (3 Central, 2 Mountain, 1 Pacific, 12 Alaska 10 Hawaii and any time that day in the rest of the world... on Saturday, October 11 stop whatever you're doing and pay it forward. That simple. Maybe buy someone a coffee...or gas..or groceries..big or small, let's have an event where all over the world, we are paying it forward at the same time. However, if you are NOT able to make it in that time frame, ANY TIME on October 11 will be great. This is going viral, around the world...So again anyone who can't make the time listed above do any time October 11 in your country.
This pay it forward event crosses the world...includes everyone...of all beliefs, backgrounds and cultures. Kindness has only one language...love.
For those who accept the invite: please click join...then
Invite others, as many as you want...
Look for the command and we all pay it forward at same time...The command for all of us to start will be "Let's Go make a Difference..."
Post your results after on Facebook.. Post any comments here on this group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/644430895671499/
If you find that you are receiving errors when inviting others, try a few hours later please...spam blockers periodically block invites when thousands are going out for same event. Or, simply copy and paste the event link to your facebook page. Thanks!!!!
Also quick reminder: Remember to send invite only to those you would believe would have a desire to attend. Thanks
