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Doing something right.

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  • Doing something right.

    I was looking over what threads I have started lately: What are your bad habits?, What are you struggling with (both in parenting and exercise and fitness)? Hmmm, perhaps I've been a touch on the negative side? (Moi?) Lord knows how I love an opportunity to review what I have failed to do correctly and beat myself up over it.

    Note to self: The glass is half FULL!

    In the spirit of my newfound positive thinking, let's talk about what we are doing right.

    Off the top of my head:

    -More days than not, I get the family to eat the recommended 5 fruits and veggies a day.
    -Our church attendance hasn't been too shabby this year.
    -I read to the kids constantly, at least once a day, but usually more. The tv continues to be on more than I would like, but I can see DS's growing love of reading.
    -I'm still breastfeeding at nine months (although having to supplement)
    -I'm sort of training for a marathon.
    -We are turning the corner to begin our SIXTH year of training and we haven't increased our debt at all (beyond the preexisting student loans) even though this has been a damn difficult exercise.

    Come on in and take time to celebrate what you are doing right!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    OK, let's see...
    1. I've been giving my dh lots of extra attention lately.
    2. I've been reading to my kids a lot and stopping to play games with them, even if I'm not in the mood.
    3. I'm not obsessing about the implications of getting on a plane in a few weeks--I'm going on this trip and there's no sense in stressing about something that is very unlikely to happen.
    4. I've limited my coffee consumption and quit putting adding so much sugar.
    5. I've been running regularly and cycling when I can squeeze it in.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      What have I been doing right?

      1) Homeschooling the kiddos
      2) Paid off all credit card debt except for one card (and, we only owe a few hundred on it). We're going to be a cash-only family as much as possible!
      3) Full church attendance as well as completely full tithe payers
      4) Got the house decluttered - completely!

      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #4
        Kelly, were you that camp counselor who always had a ice-breaker activity at the ready?


        • #5

          why yes I was/am!

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            half full?

            1. We were accepted at 7 schools despite the fact DH was advised that he would be lucky to get into a single one.

            2. We are moving home! Plus, we are moving to a city with bike paths and an actual bus system, and I have a support network already in place!

            3. My dining room is being perfumed by peonies and roses from my garden.

            4. We have used every spare cent to pay off our debts the last few years so we won't be entering school owing money.

            5. I am going to be wearing a size 8 dress at my SILs wedding...I was an 18 5 years, and a 12 just last year!


            • #7
              I am sick as a dog and my beloved husband came home from work to help with the tyke.

              My family remains close- my 89 year old grandmother is here to meet Nikolai nd everyone else arrives over the weekend for a combination baby shower for my cousin, 60th b-day party for my uncle and to meet Nikolai. We actually email and write and talk all the time.

              I do get out and exercise as much as I can.

              My dog adores me.



              • #8
                I am definitely not a "the glass is half full" individual, but here goes:

                - I am paying for my grad school loan free, all by myself.
                - I've been able to maintain my new weight for over a year now.
                - I have become more and more understanding that med school studies take priority sometimes. And the more I show this patience, the more spoiling I receive from my fiance after exams are over. So essentially, I've taken up bribing well.


                • #9

                  I have been a supportive spouse verbally when DH wants to bounce ideas off me about future jobs (this usually drives me nuts because how we make decisions is like night and day)

                  I am thinking ahead to father's day and how to make it special...

                  Dropped baby weight and more / eating WAY more healthy than I used to -- kind of a sudo South Beach Diet here (so you don't lose weight if you drink regular coke, eat lots of pasta and snack on M&Ms?)

                  all things considered I am raising healthy, happy kids who love life and the people close to them

                  I am trying (and have been more successful than ever) to blow off the fact that my 30 year old sister is late 95% of the time

                  I do not freak out about how much laundry I have to do...or other household chores that get put on the back burner

                  Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                  “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

