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a few of the little things that make my day.

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  • a few of the little things that make my day.

    I thought it might be helpful to write down the things that are absolutely wonderful in my life.

    -coffee, chocolate, or sushi

    -sloppy kisses & impulsive hugs from the baby

    -my hubby's emails which profess his love

    -angry young woman music blaring during my daily commute

    -cheap airline tickets

    -finding the perfect gift for someone who is difficult to buy for

    -laughing with a dear old friend over a subject that is only funny within the confines of that relationship

    -not receiving bills because the creditors haven't forwarded the mail to our new address

    -hearing the word "settlement"


    -walking through the door of the home that we own

    -my horoscope's prediction that August will be a very happy time

    -mindless women's magazines

    -good memories

    Join in! It will free you.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Ok I will go

    -showing up to work late and leaving early

    -the smell of my partners hair after he has taken a shower (I'm not wierd alot of men like the smell of their wives' hair after a shower)

    -sushi from Kyoto is Scottsdale

    -Temperatures under 80 degrees

    -The farmer's market

    -Feeding friends

    -Getting paid, paying bills, and still having money left over

    -Landing after an airline flight (I hate to fly)

    -The apartment illuminated by 35 candles

    -Flowers in the apartment

    -E-mails and cards from my partner

    -Bucking the status quo

    -Arguing with creditors--really I love that

    -Waking up early on Saturday morning and doing the crosswork with my caribou coffee

    -My partner not being exhausted and tired and grumpy

    who is next


    • #3
      I'll go next:

      Knowing my teenagers are in for the night and not in a car.

      My husband telling me he is not on call

      cooking Indian and Thai food

      Temperatures OVER 80 degrees

      When the creditors call, telling them Luanne is at work and I'm the babysitter!!!

      Sunday morning coffee and the NY times when my husband is NOT on call

      Grocery shopping at the Italian Market in Philadelphia
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Alright...I'll give this a go...

        ~Thomas being home instead of at the hospital!

        ~My mom calling just to say "hi"

        ~Stepping on the scale and discovering I've shed a pound or two...

        ~Playing in the backyard and spraying the kids with the hose on a warm summer day

        ~Telling the telemarketers that I am the babysitter (seems many of us use this tactic )

        ~Getting a long-forgotten rebate check in the mail

        ~Finding out that we overpaid our taxes and will be getting a large refund

        ~Finding the perfect outfit on SALE

 list is much more boring than everyone elses but it was fun.



        • #5
          Here are mine:

          Cappaccino~French Vanilla

          My husband telling me I'm beautiful

          My husband playing his keyboards for me

          & writing me songs

          My husband not complaining about the med field

          after seeing that I've hard a hard day with the boys!

          Eating out over cooking

          Open-mouth slobbery kisses from my youngest

          When my 8 year-old tackles me & shows me HIS love.

          Hugs and kisses for anyone in the family


          Any income tax returns in my favor!

          Ditto the mindless women's mags

          Reading a good book of fiction!

          Winning an instant prize at McDonald's

          (I know I'm desperate!)

          emails for friends and family

          Okay, there's my list!


          • #6
            I must add two posts that I thought of this morning:

            -getting responses to my posts!

            -not getting pulled over after sailing by a cop at 80 miles an hour


            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              ~getting pulled over by a cop and then having him look in the back and see your three children and then giving you a warning with a wink and a smile!


              • #8
                My turn:

                French fries

                Sleeping in

                Getting out of work early

                Knowing my husband has the weekend off

                Waking up and realizing it is Saturday

                Air conditioning

                My cats snuggling with me

                Getting emails from friends

                Buying baby stuff and not feeling bad about it

                Laying in my hammock in the backyard

                The feeling after a 5 mile run

                My baby kicking me and feeling its foot

                Listening to my husband talk to our baby in my stomach



